
Preparing for Version 3

Version 3 will introduce a number of backwards incompatible changes. This document is intended to help you prepare for these changes.

Signature Changes

Template Resolvers

In version 2, template resolvers, which all implement the method ResolverInterface::resolve() have varying return types along with some undocumented or inconsistent behaviour, specifically concerned with error handling, for example, when a template cannot be found, or no templates have been configured.

Version 3 will solve these issues by guaranteeing a string return type from ResolverInterface::resolve() or throw a \Laminas\View\Exception\ExceptionInterface.


Before version 3 the return type can null, false or string:

return $this->resolver->resolve($name, $this->renderer);


If a template resolver is used as standalone, use a try-catch block to create a custom signal for a missing template in an application:

try {
    return $this->resolver->resolve($name, $this->renderer);
} catch (\Laminas\View\Exception\ExceptionInterface $error) {
    return null; // custom return type


Undocumented Behaviour

\Laminas\View\Resolver\TemplateMapResolver allows runtime mutation of the template map with the add($name, $path) method. This method has an undocumented feature where passing null to the $path parameter allows removal of an existing template providing that $name is a string. This feature is deprecated and will now issue an E_USER_DEPRECATED runtime error if used in this way.

This deprecation can be safely ignored but in order to prepare for its removal in v3, you should ensure that you provide the complete map to the TemplateMapResolver's constructor rather than changing it at runtime.

Deprecated Stream Wrappers for Short Open Tags

In version 2, the TemplatePathStack template resolver automatically registers a stream wrapper for templates when the php.ini setting short_open_tag was turned off. The purpose of the stream wrapper was to convert template files using the short open tag <?= $variable ?> to <?php echo $variable ?> so that templates would continue to be processed in environments where short_open_tag was turned off. Since PHP 5.4.0, <?= is always available, therefore the wrapper became mostly unnecessary.

The impact of this future removal will affect templates that use a regular short open tag for general PHP code, i.e. <? $i = 1; echo $i ?> in environments where short_open_tag is off. To mitigate the impact of this removal, you should ensure that, where relevant, all of your templates use the full <?php open tag. Use of the short echo tag <?= is unaffected.