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Laminas offered functionality for integrating internationalization capabilities provided by laminas-i18n into MVC applications. This support includes:

  • registration of an MvcTranslator service by default.
  • a DummyTranslator, for use when ext/intl is unavailable, or configuration dictates that translations are disabled.
  • an MvcTranslator, which implements both Laminas\I18n\Translator\TranslatorInterface and Laminas\Validator\TranslatorInterface, which decorates a Laminas\I18n\Translator\TranslatorInterface instance.
  • a TranslatorAwareTreeRouteStack, for enabling internationalized routing segments.

Since this functionality is entirely opt-in, we have decided that for version 3 of laminas-mvc, we will offer it as a standalone package, to install when required for your applications.

Additionally, because it bridges multiple TranslatorInterface implementations, and provides i18n-capable routing, it can be useful with non-laminas-mvc applications such as mezzio.


Basic installation is via composer:

$ composer require laminas/laminas-mvc-i18n

Assuming you are using the component installer, doing so will automatically enable the component in your application.

If you are not using the component installer, you will need to add the entry:


to your list of active modules. This is usually provided in one of the following files:

  • config/application.config.php (vanilla Laminas skeleton application)
  • config/modules.config.php (Laminas API Tools application)

Manually enabling with mezzio

If you are not using the component-installer with mezzio, you will need to add the entry:


to your config/config.php class, assuming you are already using laminas-config-aggregator.

If you are not, add a new global config/autoload/ file with the following contents:

use Laminas\Mvc\I18n\ConfigProvider;

$provider = new ConfigProvider();
return $provider();


In order to separate the i18n integration features from laminas-mvc, we made a few minor changes. While most of these are under-the-hood implementation details, please read the migration guide to verify your application will continue to work.