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Upload Progress


The FormFileSessionProgress view helper can be used to render a <input type="hidden" ...> which can be used by the PHP 5.4+ File Upload Session Progress feature.Unlike other laminas-form view helpers, the FormFileSessionProgress helper does not accept an Element as a parameter.

An id attribute with a value of "progress_key" will automatically be added.

Render early

The view helper must be rendered before the file input in the form, or upload progress will not work correctly.

Best used with the Laminas\ProgressBar\Upload\SessionProgress handler.

See the Session Upload Progress chapter in the PHP documentation for more information.

Basic usage

// Within your view...

echo $this->formFileSessionProgress();
// Result: <input type="hidden" id="progress_key" name="PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS" value="12345abcde">