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Element Base Class
is a base class for all specialized elements and
Basic Usage
At the bare minimum, each element or fieldset requires a name. You will also typically provide some attributes to hint to the view layer how it might render the item.
use Laminas\Form\Element;
use Laminas\Form\Form;
$username = new Element\Text('username');
'class' => 'username',
'size' => '30',
$password = new Element\Password('password');
'size' => '30',
$form = new Form('my-form');
Public Methods
Method signature | Description |
setName(string $name) : void |
Set the name for this element. |
getName() : string |
Return the name for this element. |
setValue(string $value) : void |
Set the value for this element. |
getValue() : string |
Return the value for this element. |
setLabel(string $label) : void |
Set the label content for this element. |
getLabel() : string |
Return the label content for this element. |
setLabelAttributes(array $labelAttributes) : void |
Set the attributes to use with the label. |
getLabelAttributes() : array |
Return the attributes to use with the label. |
setLabelOptions(array $labelOptions) : void |
Set label specific options. |
getLabelOptions() : array |
Return the label specific options. |
setOptions(array $options) : void |
Set options for an element. Accepted options are: label , label_attributes" , label_options , which call setLabel , setLabelAttributes and setLabelOptions , respectively. |
getOptions() : array |
Get defined options for an element |
getOption(string $option) : null|mixed |
Return the specified option, if defined. If it's not defined, returns null. |
setAttribute(string $key, mixed $value) : void |
Set a single element attribute. |
getAttribute(string $key) : mixed |
Retrieve a single element attribute. |
removeAttribute(string $key) : void |
Remove a single attribute |
hasAttribute(string $key) : boolean |
Check if a specific attribute exists for this element. |
setAttributes(array|Traversable $arrayOrTraversable) : void |
Set many attributes at once. Implementation will decide if this will overwrite or merge. |
getAttributes() : array|Traversable |
Retrieve all attributes at once. |
removeAttributes(array $keys) : void |
Remove many attributes at once |
clearAttributes() : void |
Clear all attributes for this element. |
setMessages(array|Traversable $messages) : void |
Set a list of messages to report when validation fails. |
getMessages() : array|Traversable |
Returns a list of validation failure messages, if any. |