
Migration from Version 1

This document details changes made from version 1 of this package or from its implementation in laminas-mvc. If installed, it overrides the default behavior in laminas-mvc.

'controller' Route Array Key

In addition to providing a 'middleware' array key in the route defaults definition, the value of the 'controller' array key has to be explicitly set to Laminas\Mvc\Middleware\PipeSpec::class:

/* ... */
'some-route' => [
    'type' => Literal::class,
    'options' => [
        'route' => '/some-route',
        'defaults' => [
            'controller' => \Laminas\Mvc\Middleware\PipeSpec::class,
            'middleware' => SomeRequestHandler::class,

PipeSpec Instance in middleware Definition

If you used to pass an array of middleware to the middleware array key to create a middleware pipe, it has to be rewritten to an instance of the PipeSpec object.


/* ... */
'some-route' => [
    'type' => Literal::class,
    'options' => [
        'route' => '/some-route',
        'defaults' => [
            'middleware' => [


/* ... */
'some-route' => [
    'type' => Literal::class,
    'options' => [
        'route' => '/some-route',
        'defaults' => [
            'controller' => \Laminas\Mvc\Middleware\PipeSpec::class,
            'middleware' => new \Laminas\Mvc\Middleware\PipeSpec(

PSR-15 Middleware

This package now supports only PSR-15 interfaces. Support of http-interop/http-middleware and callable middleware has been dropped. A Closure can still be used and its signature must match the signature of PSR-15 middleware:

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

static function (ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): ResponseInterface

You have to rewrite all your existing handlers and middleware to implement Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface or Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface, respectively. Alternatively, you can decorate your middleware using one of the decorators provided by laminas-stratigility .

Please also refer to laminas-stratigility v3 migration guide if you used any of its features.

Removed Route Match Params from Request

Previously, for the matched route both the Laminas\Router\RouteMatch object as well as individual matched params were added to the PSR-7 request as attributes. This is no longer the case and only the RouteMatch object can be accessed as PSR-7 request attribute: $request->getAttribute(\Laminas\Router\RouteMatch::class);

Consider the following route definition: /show-album/:album_id Previously, all matched parameters (in this case album_id) were available directly in the $request as an attribute: $albumId = $request->getAttribute('album_id'). Now, this is no longer the case. To get the album_id param you have to fetch it from the RouteMatch object:

/** @var \Laminas\Router\RouteMatch $routeMatch */
$routeMatch = $request->getAttribute(\Laminas\Router\RouteMatch::class);
$albumId = $routeMatch->getParam('album_id');