

Request Message

Laminas\Diactoros\Request implements Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface, and is intended for client-side requests. It includes the following methods:

class Request
    public function __construct(
        $uri = null,
        $method = null,
        $body = 'php://memory',
        array $headers = []

    // See psr/http-message's RequestInterface for other methods

Requests are immutable. Any methods that would change state — those prefixed with with and without — all return a new instance with the changes requested.

ServerRequest Message

For server-side applications, Laminas\Diactoros\ServerRequest implements Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface, which provides access to the elements of an HTTP request, as well as uniform access to the various elements of incoming data. The methods included are:

class ServerRequest
    public function __construct(
        array $serverParams = [],
        array $fileParams = [],
        $uri = null,
        $method = null,
        $body = 'php://input',
        array $headers = []

    // See psr/http-message's ServerRequestInterface for other methods.

The ServerRequest is immutable. Any methods that would change state — those prefixed with with and without — all return a new instance with the changes requested. Server parameters are considered completely immutable, however, as they cannot be recalculated, and, rather, is a source for other values.

Response Message

Laminas\Diactoros\Response provides an implementation of Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, an object to be used to aggregate response information for both HTTP clients and server-side applications, including headers and message body content. It includes the following:

class Response
    public function __construct(
        $body = 'php://memory',
        $statusCode = 200,
        array $headers = []

    // See psr/http-message's ResponseInterface for other methods

Like the Request and ServerRequest, responses are immutable. Any methods that would change state — those prefixed with with and without — all return a new instance with the changes requested.

HtmlResponse and JsonResponse

Available since version 1.1.0

The most common use case in server-side applications for generating responses is to provide a string to use for the response, typically HTML or data to serialize as JSON. Laminas\Diactoros\Response\HtmlResponse and Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse exist to facilitate these use cases:

$htmlResponse = new HtmlResponse($html);

$jsonResponse = new JsonResponse($data);

In the first example, you will receive a response with a stream containing the HTML; additionally, the Content-Type header will be set to text/html. In the second case, the stream will contain a stream containing the JSON-serialized $data, and have a Content-Type header set to application/json.

Both objects allow passing the HTTP status, as well as any headers you want to specify, including the Content-Type header:

$htmlResponse = new HtmlResponse($html, 404, [
    'Content-Type' => [ 'application/xhtml+xml' ],

$jsonResponse = new JsonResponse($data, 422, [
    'Content-Type' => [ 'application/problem+json' ],


This static class can be used to marshal a ServerRequest instance from the PHP environment. The primary entry point is Laminas\Diactoros\ServerRequestFactory::fromGlobals(array $server, array $query, array $body, array $cookies, array $files). This method will create a new ServerRequest instance with the data provided. Examples of usage are:

// Returns new ServerRequest instance, using values from superglobals:
$request = ServerRequestFactory::fromGlobals();

// or

// Returns new ServerRequest instance, using values provided (in this
// case, equivalent to the previous!)
$request = ServerRequestFactory::fromGlobals(

ServerRequestFactory Helper Functions

Available since version 1.8.0

In order to create the various artifacts required by a ServerRequest instance, Diactoros also provides a number of functions under the Laminas\Diactoros namespace for introspecting the SAPI $_SERVER parameters, headers, $_FILES, and even the Cookie header. These include:

  • Laminas\Diactoros\normalizeServer(array $server, callable $apacheRequestHeaderCallback = null) : array (its main purpose is to aggregate the Authorization header in the SAPI params when under Apache)
  • Laminas\Diactoros\marshalProtocolVersionFromSapi(array $server) : string
  • Laminas\Diactoros\marshalMethodFromSapi(array $server) : string
  • Laminas\Diactoros\marshalUriFromSapi(array $server, array $headers) : Uri
  • Laminas\Diactoros\marshalHeadersFromSapi(array $server) : array
  • Laminas\Diactoros\parseCookieHeader(string $header) : array
  • Laminas\Diactoros\createUploadedFile(array $spec) : UploadedFile (creates the instance from a normal $_FILES entry)
  • Laminas\Diactoros\normalizeUploadedFiles(array $files) : UploadedFileInterface[] (traverses a potentially nested array of uploaded file instances and/or $_FILES entries, including those aggregated under mod_php, php-fpm, and php-cgi in order to create a flat array of UploadedFileInterface instances to use in a request)


Laminas\Diactoros\Uri is an implementation of Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface, and models and validates URIs. It implements __toString(), allowing it to be represented as a string and echo()'d directly. The following methods are pertinent:

class Uri
    public function __construct($uri = '');

    // See psr/http-message's UriInterface for other methods.

Like the various message objects, URIs are immutable. Any methods that would change state — those prefixed with with and without — all return a new instance with the changes requested.


Laminas\Diactoros\Stream is an implementation of Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface, and provides a number of facilities around manipulating the composed PHP stream resource. The constructor accepts a stream, which may be either:

  • a stream identifier; e.g., php://input, a filename, etc.
  • a PHP stream resource

If a stream identifier is provided, an optional second parameter may be provided, the file mode by which to fopen the stream.

ServerRequest objects by default use a php://input stream set to read-only; Response objects by default use a php://memory with a mode of wb+, allowing binary read/write access.

In most cases, you will not interact with the Stream object directly.


Laminas\Diactoros\UploadedFile is an implementation of Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface, and provides abstraction around a single uploaded file, including behavior for interacting with it as a stream or moving it to a filesystem location.

In most cases, you will only use the methods defined in the UploadedFileInterface.



The class Laminas\Diactoros\Server is deprecated as of the 1.8.0 release. We recommend using the class Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\RequestHandlerRunner via the package laminas/laminas-httphandlerrunner instead.

Laminas\Diactoros\Server represents a server capable of executing a callback. It has four methods:

class Server
    public function __construct(
        callable $callback,
        Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request,
        Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response
    public static function createServer(
        callable $callback,
        array $server,  // usually $_SERVER
        array $query,   // usually $_GET
        array $body,    // usually $_POST
        array $cookies, // usually $_COOKIE
        array $files    // usually $_FILES
    public static function createServerFromRequest(
        callable $callback,
        Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request,
        Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response = null
    public function setEmitter(Response\EmitterInterface $emitter);
    public function listen(callable $finalHandler = null);

You can create an instance of the Server using any of the constructor, createServer(), or createServerFromRequest() methods. If you wish to use the default request and response implementations, createServer($middleware, $_SERVER, $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_FILES) is the recommended option, as this method will also marshal the ServerRequest object based on the PHP request environment. If you wish to use your own implementations, pass them to the constructor or createServerFromRequest() method (the latter will create a default Response instance if you omit it).

listen() executes the callback. If a $finalHandler is provided, it will be passed as the third argument to the $callback registered with the server.