

laminas-mvc-console registers a number of listeners with laminas-mvc applications. Below is a list of events, and the listeners laminas-mvc-console registers.

MvcEvent::EVENT_BOOTSTRAP ("bootstrap")


The following classes listen to this event (sorted from higher priority to lower priority):

Class Priority Method Called Triggers Description
Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\ViewManager 10000 onBootstrap none Prepares the view layer.

Triggered By

This event is triggered by the following classes:

Class In Method
Laminas\Mvc\Application bootstrap

MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH ("dispatch")


The following classes listen to this event (sorted from higher priority to lower priority):

Class Priority Method Called Description
Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\InjectNamedConsoleParamsListener 1000 injectNamedParams Merge all params (route match params and params in the command), and add them to the Request object.
Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\CreateViewModelListener -80 createViewModelFromArray If the controller action returns an associative array, this listener casts it to a Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\ViewModel object.
Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\CreateViewModelListener -80 createViewModelFromString If the controller action returns a string, this listener casts it to a Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\ViewModel object.
Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\CreateViewModelListener -80 createViewModelFromNull If the controller action returns null, this listener casts it to a Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\ViewModel object.
Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\InjectViewModelListener -100 injectViewModel Inserts the ViewModel (in this case, a Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\ViewModel) and adds it to the MvcEvent object. It either (a) adds it as a child to the default, composed view model, or (b) replaces it if the result is marked as terminal.

Triggered By

This event is triggered by the following classes:

Class In Method Description
Laminas\Mvc\Application run Uses a short circuit callback to halt propagation of the event if an error is raised during routing.
Laminas\Mvc\Controller\AbstractController dispatch If a listener returns a Response object, it halts propagation. Note: every AbstractController listens to this event and executes the onDispatch method when it is triggered.

MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH_ERROR ("dispatch.error")


The following classes listen to this event (sorted from higher priority to lower priority):

Class Priority Method Called Description
Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\RouteNotFoundStrategy 1 handleRouteNotFoundError Detect if an error is a "route not found" condition, and display a usage message.
Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\ExceptionStrategy 1 prepareExceptionViewModel Create an exception view model.
Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\InjectViewModelListener -100 injectViewModel Inserts the ViewModel (in this case, a Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\ViewModel) and adds it to the MvcEvent object. It either (a) adds it as a child to the default, composed view model, or (b) replaces it if the result is marked as terminable.

Triggered By

Class In Method
Laminas\Mvc\MiddlewareListener onDispatch
Laminas\Mvc\DispatchListener onDispatch
Laminas\Mvc\DispatchListener marshallControllerNotFoundEvent
Laminas\Mvc\DispatchListener marshallBadControllerEvent

MvcEvent::EVENT_RENDER ("render")


The following classes listen to this event (sorted from higher priority to lower priority):

Class Priority Method Called Description
Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\DefaultRenderingStrategy -10000 render Render the view.

Triggered By

This event is triggered by the following classes:

Class In Method Description
Laminas\Mvc\Application completeRequest This event is triggered just before the MvcEvent::FINISH event.

MvcEvent::EVENT_RENDER_ERROR ("render.error")


The following classes listen to this event (sorted from higher priority to lower priority):

Console Context only

The following listeners are only attached in a console context:

Class Priority Method Called Description
Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\ExceptionStrategy 1 prepareExceptionViewModel Create an exception view model.
Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\InjectViewModelListener -100 injectViewModel Inserts the ViewModel (in this case, a Laminas\Mvc\Console\View\ViewModel) and adds it to the MvcEvent object. It either (a) adds it as a child to the default, composed view model, or (b) replaces it if the result is marked as terminable.

Triggered By

This event is triggered by the following classes:

Class In Method Description
Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\DefaultRenderingStrategy render This event is triggered if an exception is raised during rendering.



The following classes listen to this event (sorted from higher priority to lower priority):

Class Priority Method Called Description
Laminas\Mvc\Console\ResponseSender\ConsoleResponseSender -2000 __invoke Emits console output.

Triggered By

This event is triggered by the following classes:

Class In Method Description
Laminas\Mvc\SendResponseListener sendResponse Triggered by MvcEvent::FINISH at a priority of -10000, this listener emits the response to the client.

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