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Plugin Manager

The AdapterPluginManager extends the laminas-servicemanager AbstractPluginManager, and has the following behaviors:

  • It will only return Laminas\Serializer\Adapter\AdapterInterface instances.
  • It defines short-name aliases for all shipped serializers (the class name minus the namespace), in a variety of casing combinations.
  • All services are shared by default; a new instance will only be created once and shared each time you call get().


Laminas\Serializer\AdapterPluginManager is mapped to the factory. Laminas\Serializer\AdapterPluginManagerFactory when wired to the dependency injection container.

The factory will be automatically registered when loading/installing the Laminas\Serializer module in laminas-mvc and/or loading/installing the ConfigProvider into a Mezzio application.

The factory will look for the config service, and use the serializers configuration key to seed it with additional services. This configuration key should map to an array that follows standard laminas-servicemanager configuration.

To add your own serializer you can add the following configuration:

// config/autoload/serializers.global.php
return [
    'serializers' => [
        'factories' => [
            \App\MyCustomSerializer::class => \App\Container\MyCustomSerializerFactory::class,