Basic Usage

Creating an instance of the reCAPTCHA service

Instantiate a Laminas\ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha object, passing it your public and private keys:

$recaptcha = new Laminas\ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha($pubKey, $privKey);

Displaying the reCAPTCHA

To render the reCAPTCHA, call the getHTML() method:

echo $recaptcha->getHTML();

Verifying the form fields

When the form is submitted, you should receive the field g-recaptcha-response in your submission. Pass that value to the reCAPTCHA object's verify() method:

// Assuming a POST request was made:
$result = $recaptcha->verify($_POST['g-recaptcha-response']);

Once you have the result, test against it to see if it is valid. The result is a Laminas\ReCaptcha\Response object, which provides an isValid() method:

// Validating the reCAPTCHA:
if (! $result->isValid()) {
   // Failed validation

If you wish to automate the details of rendering and validating the reCAPTCHA, you should investigate the laminas-captcha reCAPTCHA adapter, or use that adapter as a backend for the CAPTCHA form element.