
Controller Plugins

When using any of the abstract controller implementations shipped with laminas-mvc, or if you implement the setPluginManager method in your custom controllers, you have access to a number of pre-built plugins. Additionally, you can register your own custom plugins with the manager.

The built-in plugins are:

If your controller implements the setPluginManager(), getPluginManager() and plugin() methods, you can access these using their shortname via the plugin() method:

$plugin = $this->plugin('url');

For an extra layer of convenience, this shipped abstract controller implementations have __call() methods defined that allow you to retrieve plugins via method calls:

$plugin = $this->url();

AcceptableViewModelSelector Plugin

The AcceptableViewModelSelector is a helper that can be used to select an appropriate view model based on user defined criteria will be tested against the Accept header in the request.

As an example:

use Laminas\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;

class SomeController extends AbstractActionController
    protected $acceptCriteria = [
        \Laminas\View\Model\ViewModel::class => [
        \Laminas\View\Model\JsonModel::class => [
        \Laminas\View\Model\FeedModel::class => [

    public function apiAction()
        $viewModel = $this->acceptableViewModelSelector($this->acceptCriteria);

        // Potentially vary execution based on model returned
        if ($viewModel instanceof \Laminas\View\Model\JsonModel) {
            // ...

The above would return a standard Laminas\View\Model\ViewModel instance if no criteria are met, and the specified view model types if a specific criterion is met. Rules are matched in order, with the first match "winning". Make sure to put your fallback view model first as a fallback for unknown content types or */*.

Browsers are sending */* as last content type of the Accept header, so you have to define every acceptable view model and their content type.

Forward Plugin

Occasionally, you may want to dispatch additional controllers from within the matched controller. For example, you might use this approach to build up "widgetized" content. The Forward plugin helps enable this.

For the Forward plugin to work, the controller calling it must be ServiceLocatorAware; otherwise, the plugin will be unable to retrieve a configured and injected instance of the requested controller.

The plugin exposes a single method, dispatch(), which takes two arguments:

  • $name, the name of the controller to invoke. This may be either the fully qualified class name, or an alias defined and recognized by the ServiceManager instance attached to the invoking controller.
  • $params is an optional array of parameters with which to seed a RouteMatch object for purposes of this specific request. Meaning the parameters will be matched by their key to the routing identifiers in the config (otherwise non-matching keys are ignored)

Forward returns the results of dispatching the requested controller; it is up to the developer to determine what, if anything, to do with those results. One recommendation is to aggregate them in any return value from the invoking controller.

As an example:

$foo = $this->forward()->dispatch('foo', ['action' => 'process']);
return [
    'somekey' => $somevalue,
    'foo'     => $foo,

Layout Plugin

The Layout plugin allows changing layout templates from within controller actions.

It exposes a single method, setTemplate(), which takes one argument, $template, the name of the template to set.

As an example:


It also implements the __invoke magic method, which allows calling the plugin as a method call:


Params Plugin

The Params plugin allows accessing parameters in actions from different sources.

It exposes several methods, one for each parameter source:

  • fromFiles(string $name = null, mixed $default = null): array|ArrayAccess|null: For retrieving all or one single file. If $name is null, all files will be returned.

  • fromHeader(string $header = null, mixed $default = null) : null|Laminas\Http\Header\HeaderInterface: For retrieving all or one single header parameter. If $header is null, all header parameters will be returned.

  • fromPost(string $param = null, mixed $default = null) : mixed: For retrieving all or one single post parameter. If $param is null, all post parameters will be returned.

  • fromQuery(string $param = null, mixed $default = null) : mixed: For retrieving all or one single query parameter. If $param is null, all query parameters will be returned.

  • fromRoute(string $param = null, mixed $default = null) : mixed: For retrieving all or one single route parameter. If $param is null, all route parameters will be returned.

The plugin also implements the __invoke magic method, providing a shortcut for invoking the fromRoute method:

$this->params()->fromRoute('param', $default);
// or
$this->params('param', $default);

Redirect Plugin

Redirections are quite common operations within applications. If done manually, you will need to do the following steps:

  • Assemble a url using the router.
  • Create and inject a "Location" header into the Response object, pointing to the assembled URL.
  • Set the status code of the Response object to one of the 3xx HTTP statuses.

The Redirect plugin does this work for you. It offers three methods:

  • toRoute(string $route = null, array $params = [], array $options = [], bool $reuseMatchedParams = false) : Laminas\Http\Response: Redirects to a named route, using the provided $params and $options to assembled the URL.

  • toUrl(string $url) : Laminas\Http\Response: Simply redirects to the given URL.

  • refresh() : Laminas\Http\Response: Refresh to current route.

In each case, the Response object is returned. If you return this immediately, you can effectively short-circuit execution of the request.

By default, the returned Response object has the HTTP status set to 302. To set a different status use the Laminas\Http\Respons::setStatusCode method.

Requires MvcEvent

This plugin requires that the controller invoking it implements InjectApplicationEventInterface, and thus has an MvcEvent composed, as it retrieves the router from the event object.

As an example:

return $this->redirect()->toRoute('login-success');

// with status code using fluent interface
return $this->redirect()

Url Plugin

You may need to generate URLs from route definitions within your controllers; for example, to seed the view, generate headers, etc. While the MvcEvent object composes the router, doing so manually would require this workflow:

$router = $this->getEvent()->getRouter();
$url    = $router->assemble($params, ['name' => 'route-name']);

The Url helper makes this slightly more convenient:

$url = $this->url()->fromRoute('route-name', $params);

The fromRoute() method is the only public method defined, and is used to generate a URL string from the provided parameters. It has the following signature:

  • fromRoute(string $route = null, array $params = [], array $options = [], bool $reuseMatchedParams = false): string, where:
    • $name: the name of the route to use for URL generation.
    • $params: Any parameter substitutions to use with the named route.
    • $options: Options used by the router when generating the URL (e.g., force_canonical, query, etc.).
    • $reuseMatchedParams: Whether or not to use route match parameters from the current URL when generating the new URL. This will only affect cases where the specified $name matches the currently matched route; the default is true.

Requires MvcEvent

This plugin requires that the controller invoking it implements InjectApplicationEventInterface, and thus has an MvcEvent composed, as it retrieves the router from the event object.