
The MvcEvent

laminas-mvc defines and utilizes a custom Laminas\EventManager\Event implementation, Laminas\Mvc\MvcEvent. This event is created during Laminas\Mvc\Application::bootstrap() and is passed when triggering all application events. Additionally, if your controllers implement the Laminas\Mvc\InjectApplicationEventInterface, MvcEvent will be injected into those controllers.

The MvcEvent adds accessors and mutators for the following:

  • Application object.
  • Request object.
  • Response object.
  • Router object.
  • RouteMatch object.
  • Result - usually the result of dispatching a controller.
  • ViewModel object, typically representing the layout view model.

The methods it defines are:

  • setApplication($application)
  • getApplication()
  • setRequest($request)
  • getRequest()
  • setResponse($response)
  • getResponse()
  • setRouter($router)
  • getRouter()
  • setRouteMatch($routeMatch)
  • getRouteMatch()
  • setResult($result)
  • getResult()
  • setViewModel($viewModel)
  • getViewModel()
  • isError()
  • setError()
  • getError()
  • getController()
  • setController($name)
  • getControllerClass()
  • setControllerClass($class)

The Application, Request, Response, Router, and ViewModel are all injected during the bootstrap event. Following the route event, it will be injected also with the RouteMatch object encapsulating the results of routing.

Since this object is passed around throughout the MVC, it is a common location for retrieving the results of routing, the router, and the request and response objects. Additionally, we encourage setting the results of execution in the event, to allow event listeners to introspect them and utilize them within their execution. As an example, the results could be passed into a view renderer.

Order of events

The following events are triggered, in the following order:

Name Constant Description
bootstrap MvcEvent::EVENT_BOOTSTRAP Bootstrap the application by creating the ViewManager.
route MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE Perform routing (or route-related actions).
dispatch MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH Dispatch the matched route to a controller/action.
dispatch.error MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH_ERROR Event triggered in case of a problem during dispatch process (e.g., unknown controller).
render MvcEvent::EVENT_RENDER Prepare the data and delegate the rendering to the view layer.
render.error MvcEvent::EVENT_RENDER_ERROR Event triggered in case of a problem during the render process (e.g., no renderer found).
finish MvcEvent::EVENT_FINISH Perform tasks once everything else is done.

The following sections provide more detail on each event.

MvcEvent::EVENT_BOOTSTRAP ("bootstrap")


The following classes listen to this event (sorted from higher priority to lower priority):

Class Priority Method Called Triggers Description
Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\ViewManager 10000 onBootstrap none Prepares the view layer (instantiate a Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\ViewManager).

Triggered By

This event is triggered by the following classes:

Class In Method
Laminas\Mvc\Application bootstrap

MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE ("route")


The following classes listen to this event (sorted from higher priority to lower priority):

Class Priority Method Called Triggers Description
Laminas\Mvc\ModuleRouteListener 1 onRoute none Determines if the module namespace should be prepended to the controller name. This is the case if the route match contains a parameter key matching the MODULE_NAMESPACE constant.
Laminas\Mvc\RouteListener 1 onRoute MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH_ERROR (if no route is matched) Tries to match the request to the router and return a RouteMatch object.

Triggered By

This event is triggered by the following classes:

Class In Method Description
Laminas\Mvc\Application run Uses a short circuit callback that allows halting propagation of the event if an error is raised during routing.

MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH ("dispatch")


The following classes listen to this event (sorted from higher priority to lower priority):

Console context only

The following listeners are only attached in a console context:

Class Priority Method Called Description
Laminas\Mvc\View\Console\InjectNamedConsoleParamsListener 1000 injectNamedParams Merge all params (route match params and params in the command), and add them to the Request object.
Laminas\Mvc\View\Console\CreateViewModelListener -80 createViewModelFromArray If the controller action returns an associative array, this listener casts it to a ConsoleModel object.
Laminas\Mvc\View\Console\CreateViewModelListener -80 createViewModelFromString If the controller action returns a string, this listener casts it to a ConsoleModel object.
Laminas\Mvc\View\Console\CreateViewModelListener -80 createViewModelFromNull If the controller action returns null, this listener casts it to a ConsoleModel object.
Laminas\Mvc\View\Console\InjectViewModelListener -100 injectViewModel Inserts the ViewModel (in this case, a ConsoleModel) and adds it to the MvcEvent object. It either (a) adds it as a child to the default, composed view model, or (b) replaces it if the result is marked as terminal.

HTTP context only

The following listeners are only attached in an HTTP context:

Class Priority Method Called Description
Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\CreateViewModelListener -80 createViewModelFromArray If the controller action returns an associative array, this listener casts it to a ViewModel object.
Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\CreateViewModelListener -80 createViewModelFromNull If the controller action returns null, this listener casts it to a ViewModel object.
Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\RouteNotFoundStrategy -90 prepareNotFoundViewModel Creates and return a 404 ViewModel.
Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\InjectTemplateListener -90 injectTemplate Injects a template into the view model, if none present. Template name is derived from the controller found in the route match, and, optionally, the action, if present.
Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\InjectViewModelListener -100 injectViewModel Inserts the ViewModel (in this case, a ViewModel) and adds it to the MvcEvent object. It either (a) adds it as a child to the default, composed view model, or (b) replaces it if the result is marked as terminable.

All contexts

The following listeners are attached for all contexts (sorted from higher priority to lower priority):

Class Priority Method Called Triggers Description
Laminas\Mvc\MiddlewareListener 1 onDispatch MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH_ERROR (if an exception is raised during dispatch processes) Load and dispatch the matched PSR-7 middleware from the service manager (and throws various exceptions if it does not).
Laminas\Mvc\DispatchListener 1 onDispatch MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH_ERROR (if an exception is raised during dispatch processes) Load and dispatch the matched controller from the service manager (and throws various exceptions if it does not).
Laminas\Mvc\AbstractController 1 onDispatch none The onDispatch method of the AbstractController is an abstract method. In AbstractActionController, for instance, it calls the action method.

Triggered By

This event is triggered by the following classes:

Class In Method Description
Laminas\Mvc\Application run Uses a short circuit callback to halt propagation of the event if an error is raised during routing.
Laminas\Mvc\Controller\AbstractController dispatch If a listener returns a Response object, it halts propagation. Note: every AbstractController listens to this event and executes the onDispatch method when it is triggered.

MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH_ERROR ("dispatch.error")


The following classes listen to this event (sorted from higher priority to lower priority):

Console context only

The following listeners are only attached in a console context:

Class Priority Method Called Description
Laminas\Mvc\View\Console\RouteNotFoundStrategy 1 handleRouteNotFoundError Detect if an error is a "route not found" condition. If a “controller not found” or “invalid controller” error type is encountered, sets the response status code to 404.
Laminas\Mvc\View\Console\ExceptionStrategy 1 prepareExceptionViewModel Create an exception view model, and sets the status code to 404.
Laminas\Mvc\View\Console\InjectViewModelListener -100 injectViewModel Inserts the ViewModel (in this case, a ConsoleModel) and adds it to the MvcEvent object. It either (a) adds it as a child to the default, composed view model, or (b) replaces it if the result is marked as terminable.

HTTP context only

The following listeners are only attached in an HTTP context:

Class Priority Method Called Description
Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\RouteNotFoundStrategy 1 detectNotFoundError Detect if an error is a 404 condition. If a “controller not found” or “invalid controller” error type is encountered, sets the response status code to 404.
Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\RouteNotFoundStrategy 1 prepareNotFoundViewModel Create and return a 404 view model.
Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\ExceptionStrategy 1 prepareExceptionViewModel Create an exception view model and set the status code to 404.
Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\InjectViewModelListener -100 injectViewModel Inserts the ViewModel (in this case, a ViewModel) and adds it to the MvcEvent object. It either (a) adds it as a child to the default, composed view model, or (b) replaces it if the result is marked as terminable.

All contexts

The following listeners are attached for all contexts:

Class Priority Method Called Description
Laminas\Mvc\DispatchListener 1 reportMonitorEvent Used for monitoring when Zend Server is used.

Triggered By

Class In Method
Laminas\Mvc\MiddlewareListener onDispatch
Laminas\Mvc\DispatchListener onDispatch
Laminas\Mvc\DispatchListener marshallControllerNotFoundEvent
Laminas\Mvc\DispatchListener marshallBadControllerEvent

MvcEvent::EVENT_RENDER ("render")


The following classes listen to this event (sorted from higher priority to lower priority):

Console context only

The following listeners are only attached in a console context:

Class Priority Method Called Description
Laminas\Mvc\View\Console\DefaultRenderingStrategy -10000 render Render the view.

HTTP context only

The following listeners are only attached in an HTTP context:

Class Priority Method Called Description
Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\DefaultRenderingStrategy -10000 render Render the view.

Triggered By

This event is triggered by the following classes:

Class In Method Description
Laminas\Mvc\Application completeRequest This event is triggered just before the MvcEvent::FINISH event.

MvcEvent::EVENT_RENDER_ERROR ("render.error")


The following classes listen to this event (sorted from higher priority to lower priority):

Console context only

The following listeners are only attached in a console context:

Class Priority Method Called Description
Laminas\Mvc\View\Console\ExceptionStrategy 1 prepareExceptionViewModel Create an exception view model and set the status code to 404.
Laminas\Mvc\View\Console\InjectViewModelListener -100 injectViewModel Inserts the ViewModel (in this case, a ConsoleModel) and adds it to the MvcEvent object. It either (a) adds it as a child to the default, composed view model, or (b) replaces it if the result is marked as terminable.

HTTP context only

The following listeners are only attached in an HTTP context:

Class Priority Method Called Description
Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\ExceptionStrategy 1 prepareExceptionViewModel Create an exception view model and set the status code to 404.
Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\InjectViewModelListener -100 injectViewModel Inserts the ViewModel (in this case, a ViewModel) and adds it to the MvcEvent object. It either (a) adds it as a child to the default, composed view model, or (b) replaces it if the result is marked as terminable.
Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\DefaultRenderingStrategy -10000 render Render the view

Triggered By

This event is triggered by the following classes:

Class In Method Description
Laminas\Mvc\View\Http\DefaultRenderingStrategy render This event is triggered if an exception is raised during rendering.

MvcEvent::EVENT_FINISH ("finish")


The following classes listen to this event (sorted from higher priority to lower priority):

Class Priority Method Called Description
Laminas\Mvc\SendResponseListener -10000 sendResponse Triggers the SendResponseEvent in order to prepare the response (see the next chapter for more information about SendResponseEvent).

Triggered By

This event is triggered by the following classes:

Class In Method Description
Laminas\Mvc\Application run This event is triggered once the MvcEvent::ROUTE event returns a correct ResponseInterface.
Laminas\Mvc\Application run This event is triggered once the MvcEvent::DISPATCH event returns a correct ResponseInterface.
Laminas\Mvc\Application completeRequest This event is triggered after MvcEvent::RENDER (at this point, the view is already rendered).