

Processors allow you to provide additional information to logs in an automated fashion. They are called from the logger before the event is passed to the writers; they receive the event array, and return an event array on completion.

Use cases include:

  • Providing exception backtrace information.
  • Injecting substitutions into the message.
  • Injecting a request identifier (in order to later inspect logs for a specific identifier)

Processor interface

All processors must implement Laminas\Log\Processor\ProcessorInterface:

namespace Laminas\Log\Processor;

interface ProcessorInterface
     * Processes a log message before it is given to the writers
     * @param  array $event
     * @return array
    public function process(array $event);

Adding processors

To add a processor to a Logger instance, inject it using the addProcessor() method:

$logger->addProcessor(new Laminas\Log\Processor\Backtrace());

Available processors

The following processors are available.


Laminas\Log\Processor\Backtrace calls debug_backtrace() for every log event, injecting the details into the event's extra array:

$event = [
    // ... standard elements ...
    'extra' => [
        'file' => 'SomeFile.php',
        'line' => 1337,
        'class' => 'Foo\MyClass',
        'function' => 'myMethod',

By default, classes under the Laminas\Log namespace are excluded from the backtrace that is logged so that the actual application code triggering the log event can be identified. You can add your own excluded namespaces to the backtrace processor by passing options into the constructor (note the required escaping of the \):

$processor = new Laminas\Log\Processor\Backtrace(['ignoredNamespaces' => ['Foo\\Log']]);

Alternatively, if not separately instantiating the processor, these options can be passed as the third argument to the logger's addProcessor() function:

// Assuming the default processor priority of 1
$logger->addProcessor('backtrace', 1, ['ignoredNamespaces' => ['Foo\\Log']]);


Laminas\Log\Processor\PsrPlaceholder replaces PSR-3-formatted message placeholders with the values found in the extra array.

As an example:

$logger->addProcessor(new Laminas\Log\Processor\PsrPlaceholder());
$logger->warn('Invalid plugin {plugin}', ['plugin' => 'My\Plugins\FooPlugin']);

will output:

Invalid plugin My\Plugins\FooPlugin

This feature allows compatibility with PSR-3, and provides a simple way to provide string substitutions without needing to resort to sprintf() in your userland code.


Laminas\Log\Processor\ReferenceId allows you to specify a static reference identifier to inject in all log messages; typically, you will generate a new one for each request, to allow querying logs for the given reference identifier later.

Given the following:

$processor = new Laminas\Log\Processor\ReferenceId();
$processor->setReferenceId(microtime(true) . '_' . uniqid());
$logger->info('Log event');

The event will contain:

$event = [
    /* ... standard values ... */
    'extra' => [
        'referenceId' => '1455057110.6284_56ba68ebe1244',


Laminas\Log\Processor\RequestId is similar to ReferenceId with one key difference: if you do not set an identifier, one is automatically generated for you using hashed information from $_SERVER, including REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT, HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, and/or REMOTE_ADDR.