
Hydration is the act of populating an object from a set of data.

laminas-hydrator is a simple component to provide mechanisms both for hydrating objects, as well as extracting data sets from them.

The component consists of interfaces, and several implementations for common use cases.

Base Interfaces


namespace Laminas\Hydrator;

interface ExtractionInterface
     * Extract values from an object
     * @param  object $object
     * @return array
    public function extract($object);


namespace Laminas\Hydrator;

interface HydrationInterface
     * Hydrate $object with the provided $data.
     * @param  array $data
     * @param  object $object
     * @return object
    public function hydrate(array $data, $object);


namespace Laminas\Hydrator;

interface HydratorInterface extends


Usage involves instantiating the hydrator, and then passing information to it.

use Laminas\Hydrator;
$hydrator = new Hydrator\ArraySerializable();

// To hydrate an object from values in an array:
$object = $hydrator->hydrate($data, new ArrayObject());

// or, going the other way and extracting the values from an object as an array:
$data = $hydrator->extract($object);

Available Implementations


Follows the definition of ArrayObject. Objects must implement either the exchangeArray() or populate() methods to support hydration, and the getArrayCopy() method to support extraction.


Any data key matching a setter method will be called in order to hydrate; any method matching a getter method will be called for extraction.


Composes a hydrator locator, and will delegate hydrate() and extract() calls to the appropriate one based upon the class name of the object being operated on.

// Instantiate each hydrator you wish to delegate to
$albumHydrator = new Laminas\Hydrator\ClassMethods;
$artistHydrator = new Laminas\Hydrator\ClassMethods;

// Map the entity class name to the hydrator using the HydratorPluginManager.
// In this case we have two entity classes, "Album" and "Artist".
$hydrators = new Laminas\Hydrator\HydratorPluginManager;
$hydrators->setService('Album', $albumHydrator);
$hydrators->setService('Artist', $artistHydrator);

// Create the DelegatingHydrator and tell it to use our configured hydrator locator
$delegating = new Laminas\Hydrator\DelegatingHydrator($hydrators);

// Now we can use $delegating to hydrate or extract any supported object
$array = $delegating->extract(new Artist);
$artist = $delegating->hydrate($data, new Artist);


Any data key matching a publicly accessible property will be hydrated; any public properties will be used for extraction.


Similar to the ObjectProperty hydrator, but uses PHP's reflection API to hydrate or extract properties of any visibility. Any data key matching an existing property will be hydrated; any existing properties will be used for extraction.