
File Filters

laminas-filter also comes with a set of classes for filtering file contents, and performing file operations such as renaming.


All file filter filter() implementations support either a file path string or a $_FILES array as the supplied argument. When a $_FILES array is passed in, the tmp_name is used for the file path.

Encrypt and Decrypt

These filters allow encrypting and decrypting file contents, and are derived from the Laminas\Filter\Encrypt and Laminas\Filter\Decrypt filters. Only file reading and writing operations are performed by the filer; encryption and decryption operations are performed by the parent classes.


use Laminas\Filter\File\Encrypt as EncryptFileFilter;
use Laminas\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request;

$request = new Request();
$files   = $request->getFiles();
// i.e. $files['my-upload']['tmp_name'] === '/tmp/php5Wx0aJ'

$filter = new EncryptFileFilter([
    'adapter' => 'BlockCipher',
    'key' => '--our-super-secret-key--',

In the above example, we pass options to our constructor in order to configure the filter. We could instead use use setter methods to inject these options:

use Laminas\Filter\File\Encrypt as EncryptFileFilter;
use Laminas\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request;

$request = new Request();
$files   = $request->getFiles();
// i.e. $files['my-upload']['tmp_name'] === '/tmp/php5Wx0aJ'

$filter = new EncryptFileFilter();

Check the Encrypt and Decrypt filter documentation for more information about options and adapters.


Laminas\Filter\File\Lowercase can be used to convert all file contents to lowercase.

Supported Options

The following set of options are supported:

  • encoding: Set the encoding to use during conversion.

Basic Usage

use Laminas\Filter\File\LowerCase;
use Laminas\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request;

$request = new Request();
$files   = $request->getFiles();
// i.e. $files['my-upload']['tmp_name'] === '/tmp/php5Wx0aJ'

$filter = new LowerCase();

This example converts the contents of an uploaded file to lowercase. After this process, you can use the Rename or RenameUpload filter to replace this file with your original file, or read directly from file. But, don't forget, if you upload a file and send your $_FILES array to a filter method, the LowerCase filter will only change the temporary file (tmp_name index of array), not the original file. Let's check following example:

use Laminas\Filter\File\LowerCase;
use Laminas\Filter\File\Rename;
use Laminas\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request;

$request = new Request();
$files   = $request->getFiles();
// i.e. $files['my-upload']['tmp_name'] === '/tmp/php5Wx0aJ'

$lowercaseFilter = new LowerCase();
$file = $lowercaseFilter->filter($files['userfile']);
$renameFilter = new Rename([
    'target'    => '/tmp/newfile.txt',
    'randomize' => true,
$filename = $renameFilter->filter($file['tmp_name']);

With this example, the final, stored file on the server will have the lowercased content.

If you want to use a specific encoding when converting file content, you should specify the encoding when instantiating the LowerCase filter, or use the setEncoding method to change it.

use Laminas\Filter\File\LowerCase;
use Laminas\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request;

$request = new Request();
$files   = $request->getFiles();
// i.e. $files['my-upload']['tmp_name'] === '/tmp/php5Wx0aJ'

$filter = new LowerCase();

The LowerCase filter extends from the StringToLower filter; read the StringToLower documentation for more information about encoding and its exceptions.


Laminas\Filter\File\Rename can be used to rename a file and/or move a file to a new path.

Supported Options

The following set of options are supported:

  • target (string; default: *): Target filename or directory; the new name of the source file.
  • source (string; default: *): Source filename or directory which will be renamed. Used to match the filtered file with an options set.
  • overwrite (boolean; default: false): Shall existing files be overwritten?
  • If the file is unable to be moved into the target path, a Laminas\Filter\Exception\RuntimeException will be thrown.
  • randomize (boolean; default: false): Shall target files have a random postfix attached? The random postfix will generated with uniqid('_') after the file name and before the extension. For example, file.txt might be randomized to file_4b3403665fea6.txt.

An array of option sets is also supported, where a single Rename filter instance can filter several files using different options. The options used for the filtered file will be matched from the source option in the options set.

Usage Examples

Move all filtered files to a different directory:

// 'target' option is assumed if param is a string
$filter = new \Laminas\Filter\File\Rename('/tmp/');
echo $filter->filter('./myfile.txt');
// File has been moved to '/tmp/myfile.txt'

Rename all filtered files to a new name:

$filter = new \Laminas\Filter\File\Rename('/tmp/newfile.txt');
echo $filter->filter('./myfile.txt');
// File has been renamed to '/tmp/newfile.txt'

Move to a new path, and randomize file names:

$filter = new \Laminas\Filter\File\Rename([
    'target'    => '/tmp/newfile.txt',
    'randomize' => true,
echo $filter->filter('./myfile.txt');
// File has been renamed to '/tmp/newfile_4b3403665fea6.txt'

Configure different options for several possible source files:

$filter = new \Laminas\Filter\File\Rename([
        'source'    => 'fileA.txt'
        'target'    => '/dest1/newfileA.txt',
        'overwrite' => true,
        'source'    => 'fileB.txt'
        'target'    => '/dest2/newfileB.txt',
        'randomize' => true,
echo $filter->filter('fileA.txt');
// File has been renamed to '/dest1/newfileA.txt'
echo $filter->filter('fileB.txt');
// File has been renamed to '/dest2/newfileB_4b3403665fea6.txt'

Public Methods

The Rename filter defines the following public methods in addition to filter(): follows:

  • getFile() : array: Returns the files to rename along with their new name and location.
  • setFile(string|array $options) : void: Sets the file options for renaming. Removes any previously set file options.
  • addFile(string|array $options) : void: Adds file options for renaming to the current list of file options.


Laminas\Filter\File\RenameUpload can be used to rename or move an uploaded file to a new path.

Supported Options

The following set of options are supported:

  • target (string; default: *): Target directory or full filename path.
  • overwrite (boolean; default: false): Shall existing files be overwritten? If the file is unable to be moved into the target path, a Laminas\Filter\Exception\RuntimeException will be thrown.
  • randomize (boolean; default: false): Shall target files have a random postfix attached? The random postfix will generated with uniqid('_') after the file name and before the extension. For example, file.txt might be randomized to file_4b3403665fea6.txt.
  • use_upload_name (boolean; default: false): When true, this filter will use $_FILES['name'] as the target filename. Otherwise, the default target rules and the $_FILES['tmp_name'] will be used.
  • use_upload_extension (boolean; default: false): When true, the uploaded file will maintains its original extension if not specified. For example, if the uploaded file is file.txt and the target is mynewfile, the upload will be renamed to mynewfile.txt.
  • stream_factory (Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface; default: null): Required when passing a PSR-7 UploadedFileInterface to the filter; used to create a new stream representing the renamed file. (Since 2.9.0)
  • upload_file_factory (Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileFactoryInterface; default: null): Required when passing a PSR-7 UploadedFileInterface to the filter; used to create a new uploaded file representation of the renamed file. (Since 2.9.0)

Using the upload Name is unsafe

Be very careful when using the use_upload_name option. For instance, extremely bad things could happen if you were to allow uploaded .php files (or other CGI files) to be moved into the DocumentRoot.

It is generally a better idea to supply an internal filename to avoid security risks.

RenameUpload does not support an array of options like theRename filter. When filtering HTML5 file uploads with the multiple attribute set, all files will be filtered with the same option settings.

Usage Examples

Move all filtered files to a different directory:

use Laminas\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request;

$request = new Request();
$files   = $request->getFiles();
// i.e. $files['my-upload']['tmp_name'] === '/tmp/php5Wx0aJ'
// i.e. $files['my-upload']['name'] === 'myfile.txt'

// 'target' option is assumed if param is a string
$filter = new \Laminas\Filter\File\RenameUpload('./data/uploads/');
echo $filter->filter($files['my-upload']);
// File has been moved to './data/uploads/php5Wx0aJ'

// ... or retain the uploaded file name
echo $filter->filter($files['my-upload']);
// File has been moved to './data/uploads/myfile.txt'

Rename all filtered files to a new name:

use Laminas\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request;

$request = new Request();
$files   = $request->getFiles();
// i.e. $files['my-upload']['tmp_name'] === '/tmp/php5Wx0aJ'

$filter = new \Laminas\Filter\File\RenameUpload('./data/uploads/newfile.txt');
echo $filter->filter($files['my-upload']);
// File has been renamed to './data/uploads/newfile.txt'

Move to a new path and randomize file names:

use Laminas\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request;

$request = new Request();
$files   = $request->getFiles();
// i.e. $files['my-upload']['tmp_name'] === '/tmp/php5Wx0aJ'

$filter = new \Laminas\Filter\File\RenameUpload([
    'target'    => './data/uploads/newfile.txt',
    'randomize' => true,
echo $filter->filter($files['my-upload']);
// File has been renamed to './data/uploads/newfile_4b3403665fea6.txt'

Handle a PSR-7 uploaded file:

use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileFactoryInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface;
use Laminas\Filter\File\RenameUpload;

$filter = new \Laminas\Filter\File\RenameUpload([
    'target'              => './data/uploads/',
    'randomize'           => true,
    // @var StreamFactoryInterface $streamFactory
    'stream_factory'      => $streamFactory,
    // @var UploadedFileFactoryInterface $uploadedFileFactory
    'upload_file_factory' => $uploadedFileFactory,

// @var ServerRequestInterface $request
foreach ($request->getUploadedFiles() as $uploadedFile) {
    // @var UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile
    // @var UploadedFileInterface $movedFile
    $movedFile = $filter->filter($uploadedFile);
    echo $movedFile->getClientFilename();
    // File has been renamed to './data/uploads/newfile_4b3403665fea6.txt'

PSR-7 Support

PSR-7/PSR-17 support has only been available since 2.9.0, and requires a valid psr/http-factory-implementation in your application, as it relies on the stream and uploaded file factories in order to produce the final UploadedFileInterface artifact representing the filtered file.

PSR-17 itself requires PHP 7, so your application will need to be running on PHP 7 in order to use this feature.

laminas/laminas-diactoros 2.0 provides a PSR-17 implementation, but requires PHP 7.1. If you are still on PHP 7.0, either upgrade, or find a compatible psr/http-factory-implementation.


Laminas\Filter\File\Uppercase can be used to convert all file contents to uppercase.

Supported Options

The following set of options are supported:

  • encoding: Set the encoding to use during conversion.

Basic Usage

use Laminas\Filter\File\UpperCase;
use Laminas\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request;

$request = new Request();
$files   = $request->getFiles();
// i.e. $files['my-upload']['tmp_name'] === '/tmp/php5Wx0aJ'

$filter = new UpperCase();

See the documentation on the LowerCase filter, above, for more information.