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Laminas\File\ClassFileLocator is a PHP FilterIterator for use with locating files containing PHP classes, interfaces, abstracts, or traits. As such, it should be used in conjunction with a DirectoryIterator or RecursiveDirectoryIterator.

Use cases include building class maps for autoloading.


The ClassFileLocator constructor can take one of:

  • a string representing a directory location; if valid, this will be used to seed a RecursiveDirectoryIterator instance.
  • a DirectoryIterator instance.
  • a RecursiveDirectoryIterator instance.

In each case, once constructed, iteration will result in a list of files containing PHP clases, interfaces, abstracts, or traits.

Instead of returning standard SplFileInfo instances, the ClassFileLocator is configured to cast to Laminas\File\PhpClassFile instances, which extend SplFileInfo, and provide the following additional methods:

  • getClasses(): returns an array of all classes, abstract classes, interfaces, and traits defined in the file; all names are fully qualified.
  • getNamespaces(): returns an array of namespaces defined in the file.


The ClassFileLocator uses the tokenizer extension in order to locate items of interest; as such, its operations will not execute PHP files it finds.


The following will spit out a PHP file that returns a class map for the src/ directory in which it is run:

use Laminas\File\ClassFileLocator;

$path = realpath(getcwd() . '/src');

$locator = new ClassFileLocator($path);
$map = [];

foreach ($locator as $file) {
    $filename = str_replace($path . '/', '', $file->getRealPath());
    foreach ($file->getClasses() as $class) {
        $map[$class] = $filename;

printf("<?php\nreturn %s;", var_export($map, true));

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