
Podcast Index

The Podcast Index Extension adds support for the Podcast Index RSS namespace, an open source project which consolidates new features for podcasts into a single namespace.

Channel API methods:

Method Description
isLocked() Returns whether the feed is open for importing to new platforms.
getLockOwner() Returns the email address for owner verification.
getFunding() Returns funding information. The output is an object with "url" and "value" properties.

Item API methods:

Method Description
getTranscript() Returns transcript information for the entry. The output is an object with "url", "type", "language" and "rel" properties/
getChapters() Returns chapter information for the entry. The output is an object with "url" and "type" properties.
getSoundbites() Returns soundbites for the entry. The output is an array of objects with "title", "startTime" and "duration" properties.

See the Podcast Index website for more information about the project.