
Barcode Renderers

Renderers support options, most of which are common across all implementations. These options can be set in three ways:

  • As an array or a Traversable object passed to the constructor.
  • As an array passed to the setOptions() method.
  • As discrete values passed to individual setters.

Different ways to parameterize a renderer object

use Laminas\Barcode\Renderer;

$options = ['topOffset' => 10];

// Case 1
$renderer = new Renderer\Pdf($options);

// Case 2
$renderer = new Renderer\Pdf();

// Case 3
$renderer = new Renderer\Pdf();

Common Options

In the following list, the values have no units; as such, we will use the generic term "unit." For example, the default value of the "thin bar" is "1 unit." The real units depend on the rendering support.

The individual setters are obtained by uppercasing the initial letter of the option and prefixing the name with "set" (e.g. barHeight becomes setBarHeight). All options have a correspondent getter prefixed with "get" (e.g. getBarHeight).

Available options are:

Option Data Type Default Value Description
rendererNamespace string Laminas\Barcode\Renderer Namespace of the renderer; for example, if you need to extend the renderers.
horizontalPosition string "left" Can be "left", "center" or "right". Can be useful with PDF or if the setWidth() method is used with an image renderer.
verticalPosition string "top" Can be "top", "middle" or "bottom". Can be useful with PDF or if the setHeight() method is used with an image renderer.
leftOffset int 0 Top position of the barcode inside the renderer. If used, this value will override the horizontalPosition option.
topOffset int 0 Top position of the barcode inside the renderer. If used, this value will override the verticalPosition option.
automaticRenderError bool FALSE Whether or not to automatically render errors. If an exception occurs, the provided barcode object will be replaced with an Error representation. Note that some errors (or exceptions) can not be rendered.
moduleSize float 1 Size of a rendering module in the support.
barcode Laminas\Barcode\Object NULL The barcode object to render.

An additional getter exists: getType(). It returns the name of the renderer class without the namespace (e.g. Laminas\Barcode\Renderer\Image returns "image").


The image renderer will draw the instruction list of the barcode object in an image resource. The default width of a module is 1 pixel.

Installation Requirements

The PHP extension GD is required for the image renderer, so be sure to have it installed before getting started.

Available options are:

Option Data Type Default Value Description
height int 0 Allow you to specify the height of the result image. If "0", the height will be calculated by the barcode object.
width int 0 Allow you to specify the width of the result image. If "0", the width will be calculated by the barcode object.
imageType string "png" Specify the image format. Can be "png", "jpeg", "jpg" or "gif".



Deprecated since 2.8.0, will be removed in 3.0.0.

The PDF renderer is marked as deprecated because it uses the abandoned zendframework/zendpdf component.

Installation Requirements

The PDF renderer depends on the zendframework/zendpdf component, so be sure to have it installed before getting started:

$ composer require zendframework/zendpdf

The PDF renderer will draw the instruction list of the barcode object in a PDF document. The default width of a module is 0.5 point.

There are no additional options for this renderer.