

The HtmlTag helper is used to create the root of an HTML document, the open and close tags for the <html> element.

Basic Usage

<?= $this->htmlTag(['lang' => 'en'])->openTag() ?>
<!-- Some HTML -->
<?= $this->htmlTag()->closeTag() ?>


<html lang="en">
<!-- Some HTML -->

Using Attributes

Set a single Attribute

$this->htmlTag(['lang' => 'en']);

echo $this->htmlTag()->openTag(); // <html lang="en">
$this->htmlTag()->setAttribute('lang', 'en');

echo $this->htmlTag()->openTag(); // <html lang="en">

Set multiple Attributes

$this->htmlTag(['lang' => 'en', 'id' => 'example']);

echo $this->htmlTag()->openTag(); // <html lang="en" id="example">
$this->htmlTag()->setAttributes(['lang' => 'en', 'id' => 'example']);

echo $this->htmlTag()->openTag(); // <html lang="en" id="example">

Get current Value

To get the current value, use the getAttributes() method.

$this->htmlTag(['lang' => 'en', 'id' => 'example']);

var_dump($this->htmlTag()->getAttributes()); // ['lang' => 'en', 'id' => 'example']

Default Value

The default value is an empty array that means no attributes are set.

Using Namespace

The HtmlTag helper can automatically add the XHTML namespace for XHTML documents. To use this functionality, the Doctype helper is used.

The namespace is added only if the document type is set to an XHTML type and use is enabled:

// Set doctype to XHTML

// Add namespace to open tag

// Output
echo $this->htmlTag()->openTag(); // <html xmlns="">

Get current Value

To get the current value, use the getUseNamespaces() method.


var_dump($this->htmlTag()->getUseNamespaces()); // true

Default Value

The default value is false that means no namespace is added as attribute.