
Uri Validator

Laminas\Validator\Uri allows you to validate a URI using the Laminas\Uri\Uri handler to parse the URI. The validator allows for both validation of absolute and/or relative URIs. There is the possibility to exchange the handler for another one in case the parsing of the uri should be done differently.

Installation Requirements

The default handler depends on laminas-uri to parse the URI, so be sure to have it installed before getting started:

composer require laminas/laminas-uri

Supported options

The following options are supported for Laminas\Validator\Uri:

  • uriHandler: Defines the handler to be used to parse the uri. This options defaults to a new instance of Laminas\Uri\Uri.
  • allowRelative: Defines if relative paths are allowed. This option defaults to true.
  • allowAbsolute: Defines if absolute paths are allowed. This option defaults to true.

Basic usage

$validator = new Laminas\Validator\Uri();
$uri = '';

if ($validator->isValid($uri)) {
    // $uri was valid
} else {
    // false. You can use $validator->getMessages() to retrieve error messages