File Validators


Laminas\Validator\File\Md5 allows you to validate if a given file's hashed contents matches the supplied md5 hash(es). It is subclassed from the Hash validator to provide a validator that supports only the MD5 algorithm.

Requires the hash extension

This validator requires the PHP Hash extension PHP with the md5 algorithm.

Supported Options

The following set of options are supported:

  • hash: String hash or array of hashes against which to validate.

Basic Usage

use Laminas\Validator\File\Md5;

// Does file have the given hash?
$validator = new Md5('3b3652f336522365223');

// Or, check file against multiple hashes
$validator = new Md5([
    '3b3652f336522365223', 'eb3365f3365ddc65365'

// Or use options notation:
$validator = new Md5(['hash' => [
    '3b3652f336522365223', 'eb3365f3365ddc65365'

// Perform validation with file path
if ($validator->isValid('./myfile.txt')) {
    // file is valid

Public Methods


getMd5() : array

Returns an array of MD5 hashes against which to validate.


addMd5(string|array $options) : void

Add one or more hashes to validate against.


setMd5(string|array $options) : void

Overwrite any previously set hashes with those specified.