File Validators


Laminas\Validator\File\FilesSize allows validating the total size of all file uploads in aggregate, allowing specifying a minimum upload size and/or a maximum upload size.

Only use this validator if you will be expecting multiple file uploads in a single payload, and want to ensure the aggregate size falls within a specific range.

Supported Options

Laminas\Validator\File\FilesSize supports the following options:

  • min: The minimum aggregate size of all file uploads. May be specified as an integer or using SI units. null indicates no minimum size is required.
  • max: The maximum aggregate size of all file uploads. May be specified as an integer or using SI units. null indicates no maximum size is required.
  • useByteString: A flag indicating whether sizes should be reported as integers or using SI units when reporting validation errors.

See the Size validator for details on supported SI units.

Basic Usage

use Laminas\Validator\File\FilesSize;

$validator = new FilesSize([
    'min' => '1kB',  // minimum of 1kB
    'max' => '10MB', // maximum of 10MB

if ($validator->isValid($_FILES)) {
    // > 1kB, < 10MB in aggregate