
Undisclosed Password Validator

Laminas\Validator\UndisclosedPassword allows you to validate if a given password was found in data breaches using the service Have I Been Pwned?, in a secure, anonymous way using K-Anonymity to ensure passwords are not send in full over the wire.

Installation Requirements

This validator needs to make a request over HTTP; therefore it requires an HTTP client. The validator provides support only for HTTP clients implementing PSR-18 and PSR-17 request and response factories.

To ensure you have these installed before using this validator, run the following:

$ composer require psr/http-client
$ composer require psr/http-factory

Basic Usage

The validator has two required constructor arguments:

  • an HTTP Client that implements Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface
  • a Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface instance

Once you have an instance, you can then pass a password to its isValid() method to determine if it has been disclosed in a known data breach.

If the password was found via the service, isValid() will return false. If the password was not found, isValid() will return true.

$validator = new Laminas\Validator\UndisclosedPassword(
    $httpClient, // a PSR-18 HttpClientInterface
    $requestFactory // a PSR-17 RequestFactoryInterface

$result = $validator->isValid('password');
// $result is FALSE because "password" was found in a data breach

$result = $validator->isValid('8aDk=XiW2E.77tLfuAcB');
// $result is TRUE because "8aDk=XiW2E.77tLfuAcB" was not found in a data breach

A Simple Command Line Example

In this example, I'm using laminas/laminas-diactoros to provide HTTP messages, and php-http/curl-client as the HTTP client. Let's begin with installation of all required packages:

$ composer require \
    php-http/message \
    php-http/message-factory \
    php-http/discovery \
    php-http/curl-client \
    laminas/laminas-diactoros \

Next, I create a file, undisclosed.php, where I put my code:

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Http\Client\Curl\Client;
use Laminas\Diactoros\RequestFactory;
use Laminas\Diactoros\ResponseFactory;
use Laminas\Validator\UndisclosedPassword;

$requestFactory = new RequestFactory();
$responseFactory = new ResponseFactory();
$client = new Client($responseFactory, null);

$undisclosedPassword = new UndisclosedPassword($client, $requestFactory);
echo 'Password "password" is ' . ($undisclosedPassword->isValid('password') ? 'not disclosed' : 'disclosed') . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Password "NVt3MpvQ" is ' . ($undisclosedPassword->isValid('NVt3MpvQ') ? 'not disclosed' : 'disclosed') . PHP_EOL;

To run it, I use the PHP command line interpreter:

$ php undisclosed.php

And it gives me the following output:

Password "password" is disclosed
Password "NVt3MpvQ" is not disclosed