
UUID Validator

Laminas\Validator\Uuid allows validating Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs). UUIDs are 128-bit values that are guaranteed to be "practically unique" in order to help prevent identifier conflicts. Five separate UUID versions exist:

  • Version 1, which uses a combination of date-time and hardware MAC addresses to generate the hash.
  • Version 2, which uses a combination of date-time and system user/group identifiers.
  • Version 3, which uses an MD5sum of a URI or distinguished name to generate the hash.
  • Version 4, which uses a CSPRNG to generate the hash.
  • Version 5, which uses the same idea as Version 3, but using SHA-1 for hashing.

The Uuid validator is capable of validating whether a string is a valid UUID of any version. It does not validate that the UUID exists in your system, however, only that it is well-formed.

Introduced in 2.8.0

Laminas\Validator\Uuid was introduced with version 2.8.0.

Supported options

The Uuid validator has no additional options.

Basic usage

$validator = new Laminas\Validator\Uuid();

if ($validator->isValid($uuid)) {
    // UUID was valid
} else {
    // Invalid/mal-formed UUID; use $validator->getMessages() for more detail