
LessThan Validator


This validator is deprecated in favour of the NumberComparison validator and the DateComparison validator for validation of dates. This validator will be removed in version 3.0.

Laminas\Validator\LessThan allows you to validate if a given value is less than a maximum value.

Supports only number validation

Laminas\Validator\LessThan supports only the validation of numbers. Strings or dates can not be validated with this validator.

Supported options

The following options are supported for Laminas\Validator\LessThan:

  • inclusive: Defines if the validation is inclusive the maximum value or exclusive. It defaults to false.
  • max: Sets the maximum allowed value.

Basic usage

To validate if a given value is less than a defined maximum:

$valid  = new Laminas\Validator\LessThan(['max' => 10]);
$value  = 12;
$return = $valid->isValid($value);
// returns false

The above example returns true for all values lower than 10.

Inclusive validation

Sometimes it is useful to validate a value by including the maximum value:

$valid  = new Laminas\Validator\LessThan([
    'max' => 10,
    'inclusive' => true,
$value  = 10;
$result = $valid->isValid($value);
// returns true

The example is identical to our first example, with the exception that we've specified that the maximum is inclusive. Now the value '10' is allowed and will return true.