
InArray Validator

Laminas\Validator\InArray allows you to validate if a given value is contained within an array. It is also able to validate multidimensional arrays.

Supported options

The following options are supported for Laminas\Validator\InArray:

  • haystack: Sets the haystack for the validation.
  • recursive: Defines if the validation should be done recursively. This option defaults to false.
  • strict: Three modes of comparison are offered owing to an often overlooked, and potentially dangerous security issue when validating string input from user input.
    • InArray::COMPARE_STRICT: This is a normal in_array() strict comparison that checks value and type.
    • InArray::COMPARE_NOT_STRICT: This is a normal in_array() non-strict comparison that checks value only, but not type.
    • InArray::COMPARE_NOT_STRICT_AND_PREVENT_STR_TO_INT_VULNERABILTY: This operates in essentially the same way as InArray::COMPARE_NOT_STRICT, but ensures that strings are not cast to integer during comparison, preventing 0 == 'foo43' types of false positives.

Use non-strict carefully

Non-strict mode (InArray::COMPARE_NOT_STRICT) may give false positives when strings are compared against ints or floats owing to in_array()'s behaviour of converting strings to int in such cases. Therefore, 'foo' would become 0, '43foo' would become 43, while foo43' would also become 0.

Array validation

Basic usage is to provide an array during instantiation:

$validator = new Laminas\Validator\InArray([
    'haystack' => ['value1', 'value2',...'valueN'],

if ($validator->isValid('value')) {
    // value found
} else {
    // no value found

This will behave exactly like PHP's in_array() method when passed only a needle and haystack.

Non-strict by default

By default, this validation is not strict, nor can it validate multidimensional arrays.

Alternately, you can define the array to validate against after object construction by using the setHaystack() method. getHaystack() returns the actual set haystack array.

$validator = new Laminas\Validator\InArray();
$validator->setHaystack(['value1', 'value2',...'valueN']);

if ($validator->isValid('value')) {
    // value found
} else {
    // no value found

Array validation modes

As previously mentioned, there are possible security issues when using the default non-strict comparison mode, so rather than restricting the developer, we've chosen to offer both strict and non-strict comparisons, and add a safer middle-ground.

It's possible to set the strict mode at initialisation and afterwards with the setStrict method. InArray::COMPARE_STRICT equates to true and InArray::COMPARE_NOT_STRICT_AND_PREVENT_STR_TO_INT_VULNERABILITY equates to false.

$validator = new Laminas\Validator\InArray([
    'haystack' => ['value1', 'value2', /* ... */ 'valueN'],

// set strict mode
$validator = new Laminas\Validator\InArray([
    'haystack' => ['value1', 'value2', /* ... */ 'valueN'],
    'strict'   => InArray::COMPARE_STRICT,  // equates to ``true``

// set non-strict mode
$validator = new Laminas\Validator\InArray([
    'haystack' => ['value1', 'value2', /* ... */ 'valueN'],
    'strict'   => InArray:COMPARE_NOT_STRICT,  // equates to ``false``

// or


Non-strict safe-mode by default

Note that the strict setting is per default false.

Recursive array validation

In addition to PHP's in_array() method, this validator can also be used to validate multidimensional arrays.

To validate multidimensional arrays you have to set the recursive option.

$validator = new Laminas\Validator\InArray([
    'haystack' => [
        'firstDimension' => ['value1', 'value2', / ... */ 'valueN'],
        'secondDimension' => ['foo1', 'foo2', /* ... */ 'fooN'],
    'recursive' => true,

if ($validator->isValid('value')) {
    // value found
} else {
    // no value found

Your array will then be validated recursively to see if the given value is contained. Additionally you could use setRecursive() to set this option afterwards and getRecursive() to retrieve it.

$validator = new Laminas\Validator\InArray([
    'firstDimension' => ['value1', 'value2', /* ... */ 'valueN'],
    'secondDimension' => ['foo1', 'foo2', /* ... */ 'fooN'],


if ($validator->isValid('value')) {
    // value found
} else {
    // no value found

Default setting for recursion

By default, the recursive validation is turned off.

Option keys within the haystack

When you are using the keys haystack, strict, or recursive within your haystack, then you must wrap the haystack key.