

Laminas\Mime\Part represents a single part of a MIME message. It contains the actual content of the message part, plus information about its encoding, content type, and original filename. Finally, it provides a method for generating a string from the stored data.

Laminas\Mime\Part objects can be added to Laminas\Mime\Message instances to assemble a complete multipart message.


Laminas\Mime\Part is instantiated with a string representing the message part's content. The type is assumed to be OCTET-STREAM, with an 8-bit encoding. After instantiating a Laminas\Mime\Part, meta information can be set directly on its attributes:

public $type = Laminas\Mime\Mime::TYPE_OCTETSTREAM;
public $encoding = Laminas\Mime\Mime::ENCODING_8BIT;
public $id;
public $disposition;
public $filename;
public $description;
public $charset;
public $boundary;
public $location;
public $language;

Methods for rendering the message part to a string

getContent() returns the encoded content of the Laminas\Mime\Part as a string using the encoding specified in the attribute $encoding. Valid values are Laminas\Mime\Mime::ENCODING_*. Character set conversions are not performed.

getHeaders() returns the MIME headers for the Part as generated from the information in the publicly accessible attributes. The attributes of the object need to be set correctly before this method is called.

  • $charset has to be set to the actual charset of the content if it is a text type (text or HTML).
  • $id may be set to identify a Content-ID for inline images in an HTML mail.
  • $filename specifies the name of the file at the time of creation.
  • $disposition defines if the file should be treated as an attachment or if it is used inside the (HTML) mail (inline).
  • $description is only used for informational purposes.
  • $boundary defines the string to use as a part boundary.
  • $location can be used as resource URI that has relation to the content.
  • $language defines the content language.

Available methods

A Laminas\Mime\Part object has the following methods:

  • isStream: Check if this Part can be read as a stream. You can specify a PHP stream resource when creating the content in order to reduce CPU and/or memory overhead; if you do, this value will be toggled to true.
  • getEncodedStream: If the Part was created with a stream, return a filtered stream for reading the content. Useful for large file attachments.
  • getContent($EOL = Laminas\Mime\Mime::LINEEND): Get the content of the current Laminas\Mime\Part in the given encoding.
  • getRawContent: Get the raw, unencoded content for the current Part.
  • getHeadersArray($EOL = Laminas\Mime\Mime::LINEEND): Create and return the array of headers for the current Part.
  • getHeaders($EOL = Laminas\Mime\Mime::LINEEND): Return the headers for the current Part as a string.