
File Transport Options

This document details the various options available to the Laminas\Mail\Transport\File mail transport.

Quick Start

use Laminas\Mail\Transport\File as FileTransport;
use Laminas\Mail\Transport\FileOptions;

// Setup File transport
$transport = new FileTransport();
$options   = new FileOptions([
    'path'     => 'data/mail/',
    'callback' => function (FileTransport $transport) {
        return 'Message_' . microtime(true) . '_' . mt_rand() . '.txt';

Configuration Options

Option name Description
path The path under which mail files will be written.
callback A PHP callable to be invoked in order to generate a unique name for a message file. See below for the default used.

The default callback used is:

function (Laminas\Mail\FileTransport $transport) {
    return 'LaminasMail_' . time() . '_' . mt_rand() . '.tmp';

Available Methods

Laminas\Mail\Transport\FileOptions extends Laminas\Stdlib\AbstractOptions, and inherits all functionality from that class; this includes property overloading. Additionally, the following explicit setters and getters are provided.


setPath(string $path) : void

Set the path under which mail files will be written.


getPath() : string

Get the path under which mail files will be written.


setCallback(callable $callback) : void

Set the callback used to generate unique filenames for messages.


getCallback() : callable

Get the callback used to generate unique filenames for messages.


__construct(null|array|Traversable $config) : void

Initialize the object. Allows passing a PHP array or Traversable object with which to populate the instance.