
Usage Scenarios

Authentication scenarios


  • TODO


  • TODO

Basic CRUD operations

Retrieving data from the LDAP

Getting an entry by its DN

use Laminas\Ldap\Ldap;

$options = [/* ... */];
$ldap = new Ldap($options);
$hm = $ldap->getEntry('cn=Hugo Müller,ou=People,dc=my,dc=local');

$hm is an array of the following structure:
    'dn'          => 'cn=Hugo Müller,ou=People,dc=my,dc=local',
    'cn'          => ['Hugo Müller'],
    'sn'          => ['Müller'],
    'objectclass' => ['inetOrgPerson', 'top'],

Check for the existence of a given DN

use Laminas\Ldap\Ldap;

$options = [/* ... */];
$ldap = new Ldap($options);
$isThere = $ldap->exists('cn=Hugo Müller,ou=People,dc=my,dc=local');

Count children of a given DN

use Laminas\Ldap\Ldap;

$options = [/* ... */];
$ldap = new Ldap($options);
$childrenCount = $ldap->countChildren('cn=Hugo Müller,ou=People,dc=my,dc=local');

Searching the LDAP tree

use Laminas\Ldap\Ldap;

$options = [/* ... */];
$ldap = new Ldap($options);
$result = $ldap->search(

foreach ($result as $item) {
    echo $item["dn"] . ': ' . $item['cn'][0] . PHP_EOL;

Adding data to the LDAP

Add a new entry to the LDAP

use Laminas\Ldap\Attribute;
use Laminas\Ldap\Ldap;

$options = [/* ... */];
$ldap = new Ldap($options);

$entry = [];
Attribute::setAttribute($entry, 'cn', 'Hans Meier');
Attribute::setAttribute($entry, 'sn', 'Meier');
Attribute::setAttribute($entry, 'objectClass', 'inetOrgPerson');

$ldap->add('cn=Hans Meier,ou=People,dc=my,dc=local', $entry);

Deleting from the LDAP

Delete an existing entry from the LDAP

use Laminas\Ldap\Ldap;

$options = [/* ... */];
$ldap = new Ldap($options);
$ldap->delete('cn=Hans Meier,ou=People,dc=my,dc=local');

Updating the LDAP

Update an existing entry on the LDAP

use Laminas\Ldap\Attribute;
use Laminas\Ldap\Ldap;

$options = [/* ... */];
$ldap = new Ldap($options);

$hm = $ldap->getEntry('cn=Hugo Müller,ou=People,dc=my,dc=local');
Attribute::setAttribute($hm, 'mail', 'mueller@my.local');
Attribute::setPassword($hm, 'newPa$$w0rd', Attribute::PASSWORD_HASH_SHA1);

$ldap->update('cn=Hugo Müller,ou=People,dc=my,dc=local', $hm);

Extended operations

Copy and move entries in the LDAP

Copy a LDAP entry recursively with all its descendants

use Laminas\Ldap\Ldap;

$options = [/* ... */];
$ldap = new Ldap($options);
    'cn=Hugo Müller,ou=People,dc=my,dc=local',
    'cn=Hans Meier,ou=People,dc=my,dc=local',

Move a LDAP entry recursively with all its descendants to a different subtree

use Laminas\Ldap\Ldap;

$options = [/* ... */];
$ldap = new Ldap($options);
    'cn=Hugo Müller,ou=People,dc=my,dc=local',