View Helpers


The Translate view helper can be used to translate content. It acts as a wrapper for the Laminas\I18n\Translator\Translator class.


Before using the Translate view helper, you must have first created a Translator object and have attached it to the view helper. If you use the Laminas\View\HelperPluginManager to invoke the view helper, this will be done automatically for you.

Basic Usage

echo $this->translate('Some translated text.'); // Etwas übersetzter Text

(The above example assumes that the environment locale is set to de_DE.)

Using Text Domain

The text domain defines the domain of the translation.

echo $this->translate('monitor', 'customDomain'); // 'Monitor'

echo $this->translate('monitor'); // 'Monitor'

(The above example assumes that the environment locale is set to de_DE.)

Get current Value

To get the current value of this option, use the getTranslatorTextDomain() method.


echo $this->plugin('translatePlural')->getTranslatorTextDomain(); // 'customDomain'

Default Value

The default value of this option is default like defined in Laminas\I18n\Translator\TranslatorInterface.

Using Locale

The locale to which the message should be translated.

echo $this->translate('car', 'default', 'de_DE'); // 'Auto'

Default Value

By default, if no locale is provided, TranslatePlural will use the system locale provided by PHP's Locale::getDefault().