

Laminas\I18n\Validator\PostCode allows you to determine if a given value is a valid postal code. Postal codes are specific to cities, and in some locales termed ZIP codes.

Laminas\I18n\Validator\PostCode knows more than 160 different postal code formats. To select the correct format there are two ways. You can either use a fully qualified locale, or you can set your own format manually.

Basic Usage

$validator = new Laminas\I18n\Validator\PostCode();

var_dump($validator->isValid(1010)); // true

By default, if no country code is provided, PostCode will use the system locale provided by PHP's Locale::getDefault() and Locale::getRegion() to extract the region code.

(The above example assumes that the environment locale is set to de_AT.)

Using Locale

Using a locale is more convenient as laminas-validator already knows the appropriate postal code format for each locale; however, you need to use the fully qualified locale (one containing a region specifier) to do so. For instance, the locale de is a locale but could not be used with Laminas\I18n\Validator\PostCode as it does not include the region; de_AT, however, would be a valid locale, as it specifies the region code (AT, for Austria).

$validator = new Laminas\I18n\Validator\PostCode(['locale' => 'de_AT']);

var_dump($validator->isValid(1010)); // true
$validator = new Laminas\I18n\Validator\PostCode();

$validator->isValid(1010); // true

$validator = new Laminas\I18n\Validator\PostCode();

var_dump($validator->isValid(1010)); // true

Get Current Value

To get the current value of this option, use the getLocale() method.

$validator = new Laminas\I18n\Validator\PostCode(['locale' => 'de_AT']);

echo $validator->getLocale(); // 'de_AT'

Default Value

By default, if no locale is provided, PostCode will use the system locale provided by PHP's Locale::getDefault() and Locale::getRegion() to extract the region code.

Using Custom Format

Postal code formats are regular expression strings. When the international postal code format, which is used by setting the locale, does not fit your needs, then you can also manually set a format by calling setFormat().

$validator = new Laminas\I18n\Validator\PostCode(['format' => 'AT-\d{4}']);

var_dump($validator->isValid('AT-1010')); // true
$validator = new Laminas\I18n\Validator\PostCode();

var_dump($validator->isValid('AT-1010')); // true

Conventions for self defined Formats

When using self defined formats, you should omit the regex delimiters and anchors ('/^' and '$/'). They are attached automatically.

You should also be aware that postcode values will always be validated in a strict way. This means that they have to be written standalone without additional characters when they are not covered by the format.

Get Current Value

To get the current value of this option, use the getLocale() method.

$validator = new Laminas\I18n\Validator\PostCode(['format' => 'AT-\d{4}']);

echo $validator->getFormat(); // 'AT-\d{4}'

Default Value

The default value of this option is null.

Using Callback Service

The PostCode validator allows additional validations via an optional service callback. The callback runs before the standard validation of the PostCode class.

Internally, the additional validation is done by laminas-validator's Callback class.

$validator = new Laminas\I18n\Validator\PostCode([
    'service' => static function ($value) {
        // Allow only certain districts in town
        if (in_array($value, range(1010, 1423), false)) {
            return true;

        return false;
    'locale' => 'de_AT',

var_dump($validator->isValid(1010)); // true
var_dump($validator->isValid(1600)); // false
$validator = new Laminas\I18n\Validator\PostCode();
$validator->setService(static function ($value) {
    // Allow only certain districts in town
    if (in_array($value, range(1010, 1423), false)) {
        return true;

    return false;

var_dump($validator->isValid(1010)); // true
var_dump($validator->isValid(1600)); // false

Default Value

The default value of this option is null.