On this page
Naming Strategies
allows you to provide a map of
keys to use both during extraction and hydration; the map will translate the key
based on the direction:
When a map is provided for hydration, but not extraction, the strategy will perform an
on the hydration map when performing lookups. You can create an instance with this behavior usingMapNamingStrategy::createFromHydrationMap(array $hydrationMap) : MapNamingStrategy
. -
When a map is provided for extraction, but not hydration, the strategy will perform an
on the extraction map when performing lookups. You can create an instance with this behavior usingMapNamingStrategy::createFromExtractionMap(array $extractionMap) : MapNamingStrategy
. -
When maps are provided for both extraction and hydration, the appropriate map will be used during extraction and hydration operations. You can create an instance with this behavior using
MapNamingStrategy::createFromAsymmetricMap(array $extractionMap, array $hydrationStrategy) : MapNamingStrategy
Most of the time, you will want your maps symmetrical; as such, set either a hydration map or an extraction map, but not both.
Creating maps
Hydration map only
$namingStrategy = Laminas\Hydrator\NamingStrategy\MapNamingStrategy::createFromHydrationMap(
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'bash'
echo $namingStrategy->extract('bar'); // outputs: foo
echo $namingStrategy->extract('bash'); // outputs: baz
echo $namingStrategy->hydrate('foo'); // outputs: bar
echo $namingStrategy->hydrate('baz'); // outputs: bash
Extraction map only
$namingStrategy = Laminas\Hydrator\NamingStrategy\MapNamingStrategy::createFromExtractionMap(
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'bash'
echo $namingStrategy->extract('foo'); // outputs: bar
echo $namingStrategy->extract('baz'); // outputs: bash
echo $namingStrategy->hydrate('bar'); // outputs: foo
echo $namingStrategy->hydrate('bash'); // outputs: baz
Both hydration and extraction maps
$namingStrategy = Laminas\Hydrator\NamingStrategy\MapNamingStrategy::createFromAsymmetricMap(
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'bash'
'is_bar' => 'foo',
'bashable' => 'baz',
echo $namingStrategy->extract('foo'); // outputs: bar
echo $namingStrategy->extract('baz'); // outputs: bash
echo $namingStrategy->hydrate('is_bar'); // outputs: foo
echo $namingStrategy->hydrate('bashable'); // outputs: baz
Mapping keys for hydrators
This strategy can be used in hydrators to dictate how keys should be mapped:
class Foo
public $bar;
$namingStrategy = Laminas\Hydrator\NamingStrategy\MapNamingStrategy::createFromHydrationMap([
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'bash',
$hydrator = new Laminas\Hydrator\ObjectPropertyHydrator();
$foo = new Foo();
$hydrator->hydrate(['foo' => 123], $foo);
print_r($foo); // Foo Object ( [bar] => 123 )
print_r($hydrator->extract($foo)); // Array ( "foo" => 123 )