

Emitters are used to emit a PSR-7 response. This should generally happen when running under a traditional PHP server API that uses output buffers, such as Apache or php-fpm.

Emitters are described by Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\EmitterInterface:

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

interface EmitterInterface
    public function emit(ResponseInterface $response) : bool;

Typically, such emitters will perform the following:

  • Emit a response status line.
  • Emit all response headers.
  • Emit the response body.

(The first two items may be swapped in order; many SAPIs allow emitting multiple status lines, and will use the last one present. As such, most implementations will emit the status line after the headers to ensure the correct one is emitted by the SAPI.)

The emit() method allows returning a boolean. This value can be checked to determine if the emitter was able to emit the response. This capability is used by the provided EmitterStack to allow composing multiple emitters that can introspect the response to determine whether or not they are capable of emitting it.


Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\SapiEmitter accepts the response instance, and uses the built-in PHP function header() to emit both the headers as well as the status line. It then uses echo to emit the response body.

Internally, it also does a number of verifications:

  • If headers have been previously sent, it will raise an exception.
  • If output has been previously sent, it will raise an exception.

These are performed in order to ensure the integrity of the response emitted.

It also filters header names to normalize them; this is done in part to ensure that if multiple headers of the same name are emitted, the SAPI will report them correctly.

This emitter can always handle a response, and thus always returns true.


Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\SapiStreamEmitter behaves similarly to the SapiEmitter, with two key differences:

  • It allows emitting a content range, if a Content-Range header is specified in the response.
  • It will iteratively emit a range of bytes from the response, based on the buffer length provided to the emitter during construction. This is particularly useful when returning files or downloads.

The emitter accepts an integer argument to the constructor, indicating the maximum buffer length; by default, this is 8192 bytes.

This emitter can always handle a response, and thus always returns true.


Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\EmitterStack allows providing a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of emitters instead of a single emitter. If an emitter is incapable of handling the response and returns false, the stack will move to the next emitter. If an emitter returns true, the stack short-circuits and immediately returns.

The EmitterStack extends SplStack, and thus allows you to add emitters using any of the methods that class defines; we recommend adding them in LIFO order using push():


Conditionally using the SapiStreamEmitter

The SapiStreamEmitter is capable of emitting any response. However, for in-memory responses, you may want to use the more efficient SapiEmitter. How can you do this?

One way is to check for response artifacts that indicate a file download, such as the Content-Disposition or Content-Range headers; if those headers are not present, you could return false from the emitter, and otherwise continue. You could achieve this by decorating the SapiStreamEmitter:

$sapiStreamEmitter = new SapiStreamEmitter($maxBufferLength);
$conditionalEmitter = new class ($sapiStreamEmitter) implements EmitterInterface {
    private $emitter;

    public function __construct(EmitterInterface $emitter)
        $this->emitter = $emitter;

    public function emit(ResponseInterface $response) : bool
        if (! $response->hasHeader('Content-Disposition')
            && ! $response->hasHeader('Content-Range')
        ) {
            return false;
        return $this->emitter->emit($response);

$stack = new EmitterStack();
$stack->push(new SapiEmitter());

In this way, you can have the best of both worlds, using the memory-efficient SapiStreamEmitter for large file downloads or streaming buffers, and the general-purpose SapiEmitter for everything else.