Application Integration

Usage in a laminas-mvc Application

The following example shows one potential use case of laminas-form within a laminas-mvc based application. The example uses a module, a controller and the laminas-form element manager.

The example is based on the tutorial application which builds an album inventory system.

Before starting, make sure laminas-form is installed and configured.

Create Form

Create a form as separate class using the init method, e.g. module/Album/src/Form/AlbumForm.php:

namespace Album\Form;

use Laminas\Filter\StringTrim;
use Laminas\Filter\StripTags;
use Laminas\Form\Element\Text;
use Laminas\Form\Form;
use Laminas\InputFilter\InputFilterProviderInterface;
use Laminas\Validator\StringLength;

final class AlbumForm extends Form implements InputFilterProviderInterface
    public function init() : void
        // Title
            'name'    => 'title',
            'type'    => Text::class,
            'options' => [
                'label' => 'Title',

        // …

    public function getInputFilterSpecification() : array
        return [
            // Title
                'name'    => 'title',
                'filters' => [
                    ['name' => StripTags::class],
                    ['name' => StringTrim::class],
                'validators' => [
                        'name'    => StringLength::class,
                        'options' => [
                            'min' => 1,
                            'max' => 100,
            // …

Create Controller

Create a controller class and inject the form element manager via the constructor, e.g. module/Album/Controller/AlbumController.php:

namespace Album\Controller;

use Album\Form\AlbumForm;
use Laminas\Form\FormElementManager;
use Laminas\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;

use function assert;

final class AlbumController extends AbstractActionController
    public function __construct(
        public readonly FormElementManager $formElementManager
    ) {}

    public function addAction()
        $form = $this->formElementManager->get(AlbumForm::class);
        assert($form instanceof AlbumForm);

        // Set action attribute
            $this->url()->fromRoute('album', ['action' => 'add'])

        $variables = ['form' => $form];

        if (! $this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
            return $variables;

        // Validation
        if (! $form->isValid()) {
            return $variables;

        // …

        return $this->redirect()->toRoute('album', ['action' => 'add']);

Instantiating the Form

The form element manager is used instead of directly instantiating the form to ensure to get the input filter manager injected. This allows usage of any input filter registered with the input filter managers which includes custom filters and validators.
Custom form elements can also be used in this way.

Additionally, the form element manager calls the init method after instantiating the form, ensuring all dependencies are fully injected first.

Register Form and Controller

If no separate factory is required for the form, then the form element manager will be instantiating the form class without prior registration. Otherwise, the form must be registered.

To register the controller for the application, extend the configuration of the module.
Add the following lines to the module configuration file, e.g. module/Album/config/module.config.php:

namespace Album;

use Laminas\ServiceManager\AbstractFactory\ReflectionBasedAbstractFactory;

return [
    'controllers' => [
        'factories' => [
            // Add this line
            Controller\AlbumController::class => ReflectionBasedAbstractFactory::class,
    // …

The example uses the reflection factory from laminas-servicemanager to resolve the constructor dependencies for the controller class.

Create View Script

Create a view script in the module, e.g. module/Album/view/album/album/add.phtml:

 * @var Laminas\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer|Laminas\Form\View\HelperTrait $this
 * @var Laminas\Form\Form                                               $form
$this->headTitle('Add new album');

<h1>Add new album</h1>

<?= $this->form($form) ?>

The Form view helper is used to render all HTML for the form.