Intercepting Filters

Intercepting filters are a design pattern used for providing mechanisms to alter the workflow of an application. Implementing them provides a way to have a standard public interface, with the ability to attach arbitrary numbers of filters that will take the incoming arguments in order to alter the workflow.

laminas-eventmanager provides an intercepting filter implementation via Laminas\EventManager\FilterChain.


To use the FilterChain implementation, you will need to install laminas-stdlib, if you have not already:

$ composer require laminas/laminas-stdlib


Laminas\EventManager\FilterChain is a concrete implementation of Laminas\EventManager\Filter\FilterInterface, which defines a workflow for intercepting filters. This includes the following methods:

interface FilterInterface
    public function run($context, array $params = []);

    public function attach(callable $callback);
    public function detach(callable $callback);

    public function getFilters();
    public function clearFilters();
    public function getResponses();

In many ways, it's very similar to the EventManagerInterface, but with a few key differences:

  • A filter essentially defines a single event, which obviates the need for attaching to multiple events. As such, you pass the target and parameters only when "triggering" (run()) a filter.
  • Instead of passing an EventInterface to each attached filter, a FilterInterface implementation will pass:
    • The $context
    • The $params
    • A FilterIterator, to allow the listener to call on the next filter.


When executing run(), a FilterInterface implementation is expected to provide the stack of attached filters to each listener. This stack will typically be a Laminas\EventManager\Filter\FilterIterator instance.

FilterIterator extends Laminas\Stdlib\FastPriorityQueue, and, as such, is iterable, and provides the method next() for advancing the queue.

As such, a listener should decide if more processing is necessary, and, if so, call on $chain->next(), passing the same set of arguments.


A filter attached to a FilterChain instance can be any callable. However, these callables should expect the following arguments:

function ($context, array $argv, FilterIterator $chain)

A filter can therefore act on the provided $context, using the provided arguments.

Part of that execution can also be deciding that other filters should be called. To do so, it will call $chain->next(), providing it the same arguments:

function ($context, array $argv, FilterIterator $chain)
    $message = isset($argv['message']) ? $argv['message'] : '';

    $message = str_rot13($message);

    $filtered = $chain->next($context, ['message' => $message], $chain);

    return str_rot13($filtered);

You can choose to call $chain->next() at any point in the filter, allowing you to:

  • pre-process arguments and/or alter the state of the $context.
  • post-process results and/or alter the state of the $context based on the results.
  • skip processing entirely if criteria is not met (e.g., missing arguments, invalid $context state).
  • short-circuit the chain if no processing is necessary (e.g., a cache hit is detected).


When executing a filter chain, you will provide the $context, which is usually the object under observation, and arguments, which are typically the arguments passed to the method triggering the filter chain.

As an example, consider the following filter-enabled class:

use Laminas\EventManager\FilterChain;

class ObservedTarget
    private $filters = [];

    public function attachFilter($method, callable $listener)
        if (! method_exists($this, $method)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid method');

    public function execute($message)
        return $this->getFilters(__FUNCTION__)
            ->run($this, compact('message'));

    private function getFilters($method)
        if (! isset($this->filters[$method])) {
            $this->filters[$method] = new FilterChain();
        return $this->filters[$method];

Now, let's create an instance of the class, and attach some filters to it.

$observed = new ObservedTarget();

$observed->attach(function ($context, array $args, FilterIterator $chain) {
    $args['message'] = isset($args['message'])
        ? strtoupper($args['message'])
        : '';

    return $chain->next($context, $args, $chain);

$observed->attach(function ($context, array $args, FilterIterator $chain) {
    return (isset($args['message'])
        ? str_rot13($args['message'])
        : '');

$observed->attach(function ($context, array $args, FilterIterator $chain) {
    return (isset($args['message'])
        ? strtolower($args['message'])
        : '');

Finally, we'll call the method, and see what results we get:

$observed->execute('Hello, world!');

Since filters are run in the order in which they are attached, the following will occur:

  • The first filter will transform our message into HELLO, WORLD!, and then call on the next filter.
  • The second filter will apply a ROT13 transformation on the string and return it: !DLROW ,OLLEH.

Because the second filter does not call $chain->next(), the third filter never executes.


We recommend using the construct run($this, compact(method argument names) when invoking a FilterChain. This makes the argument keys predictable inside filters.

We also recommend putting the default logic for the method invoking the filter chain in a filter itself, and attaching it at invocation. This allows intercepting filters to replace the main logic, while still providing a default path. This might look like:

// Assume that the class contains the `attachFilter()` implementation from above.
class ObservedTarget
    private $attached = [];

    public function execute($message)
        if (! isset($this->attached[__FUNCTION__])) {
            $this->attachFilter(__FUNCTION__, $this->getExecuteFilter();

        return $this->getFilters(__FUNCTION__)
            ->run($this, compact('message'));

    private function getExecuteFilter()
        $this->attached['execute'] = true;
        return function ($context, array $args, FilterIterator $chain) {
            return $args['message'];

Intercepting filters are a powerful way to introduce aspect-oriented programming paradigms into your code, as well as general-purpose mechanisms for introducing plugins.