Basic Usage

Performing diagnostics with Laminas

  1. Install the ZFTool module.
  2. Enable diagnostic tests in your application config.php.
  3. In your console type php public/index.php diag to run diagnostics.

Note: this does not work with Laminas MVC version 3; use the plain PHP diagnostics instructions below when using that framework version.

Using diagnostics with Symfony

  1. Install the LiipMonitorBundle.
  2. Enable diagnostic tests in your application configuration.
  3. In your console type ./bin/console monitor:health to run diagnostics.

Using diagnostics with PSR-7 middleware

Install the rstgroup/diagnostics-middleware.

Using diagnostics in plain PHP

  1. Create an instance of Laminas\Diagnostics\Runner.
  2. Add tests using Runner::addTest().
  3. Optionally add a reporter to display progress using Runner::addReporter().
  4. Run diagnostics Runner::run().

For example:

// run_diagnostics.php

use Laminas\Diagnostics\Check;
use Laminas\Diagnostics\Runner\Runner;
use Laminas\Diagnostics\Runner\Reporter\BasicConsole;

include 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Create Runner instance
$runner = new Runner();

// Add checks
$runner->addCheck(new Check\DirWritable('/tmp'));
$runner->addCheck(new Check\DiskFree(100000000, '/tmp'));

// Add console reporter
$runner->addReporter(new BasicConsole(80, true));

// Run all checks
$results = $runner->run();

// Emit an appropriate exit code
$status = ($results->getFailureCount() + $results->getWarningCount()) > 0 ? 1 : 0;

You can now run the file in your console (command line):

$ php run_diagnostics.php
Starting diagnostics:


OK (2 diagnostic tests)

Using a result collection

The diagnostics runner will always return a Laminas\Diagnostics\Result\Collection, even when no reporter is attached. This collection contains results for all tests and failure counters.

As an example:

use Laminas\Diagnostics\Check;
use Laminas\Diagnostics\Result;
use Laminas\Diagnostics\Runner\Runner;

$runner = new Runner();
$checkSpace = new Check\DiskFree(100000000, '/tmp');
$checkTemp  = new Check\DirWritable('/tmp');

// Run all checks
$results = $runner->run();

echo "Number of successful tests: " . $results->getSuccessCount() . "\n";
echo "Number of failed tests:     " . $results->getFailureCount() . "\n";

if ($results[$checkSpace] instanceof Result\FailureInterface) {
    echo "Oooops! We're running out of space on temp.\n";

if ($results[$checkTemp] instanceof Result\FailureInterface) {
    echo "It seems that /tmp is not writable - this is a serious problem!\n";