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Usage with PSR-11 containers
laminas-di is designed to utilize and work with any IoC container that implements
the PSR-11 Psr\Container\ContainerInterface
. To achieve this you can pass any
container instance as the second parameter to the injector:
use Laminas\Di\Injector;
$injector = new Injector(null, $container);
From that point forwards, the injector will use the provided $container
obtain the dependencies.
Decorating the container
In the example above, the provided container may not utilize the injector to create unknown instances, even when the classes are known to laminas-di. It may fail with an exception that dependencies could not be resolved.
If you want to pair the container with the injector and use the injector for dependencies the container is not aware of, you may decorate the original container into a laminas-di-aware implementation. As an example:
namespace MyApp;
use Laminas\Di\Injector;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
class MyContainer implements ContainerInterface
private $container;
private $injector;
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $wrappedContainer)
$this->container = $wrappedContainer;
$this->injector = new Injector(null, $this);
public function has($name)
return $this->container->has($name) || $this->injector->canCreate($name);
public function get($name)
if ($this->container->has($name)) {
return $this->container->get($name);
$service = $this->injector->create($name);
// You might make the service shared via the decorated container
// as well:
// $this->container->set($name, $service);
return $service;