
laminas-cli does not provide autocompletion out of the box. However, it is possible to add autocompletion via a third-party package, bamarni/symfony-console-autocomplete. This package provides completion for any symfony/console-based application, which means it will work with laminas-cli as well.


First, install the autocompletion package as a global tool:

composer global require bamarni/symfony-console-autocomplete


Second, you will need to add configuration for your shell. We will add three things:

  • Configuration to ensure your Composer script path is in your $PATH.
  • An alias for the laminas-cli script. This is done so that autocompletion is given for the project in which you have it installed.
  • The autocompletion script.

For most shells, you can use the following:

# Skip this step if you already have the Composer script path in your $PATH
export PATH=$(composer global config home)/vendor/bin:$PATH

# Alias laminas-cli to current path
alias laminas=./vendor/bin/laminas

# Add the autocompletion script, informing it to also complete laminas
eval "$(symfony-autocomplete --aliases laminas)"

The above should be placed in your shell configuration file:

  • For BASH users, $HOME/.bashrc
  • For ZSH users, $HOME/.zshrc
  • For FISH users, $HOME/.config/fish/

Once the changes have been made, either open a new terminal, or source your shell configuration:

  • For BASH users, source $HOME/.bashrc
  • For ZSH users, source $HOME/.zshrc
  • For FISH users, source $HOME/.config/fish/


Once installation and configuration of the tooling is complete and you are either in a new terminal or have sourced the changes to your shell configuration, you can invoke autocompletion by pressing <Tab> after typing the laminas command at the prompt:

$ laminas <TAB>