Cache Patterns


The OutputCache pattern caches output between calls to start() and end().

Quick Start

use Laminas\Cache\Pattern\OutputCache;
use Laminas\Cache\Pattern\PatternOptions;

$outputCache = new OutputCache(
    new PatternOptions()

Storage Adapter

The $storage adapter can be any adapter which implements the StorageInterface. Check out the Pattern Quick Start-Section for a standard adapter which can be used here.

Configuration Options

Option Data Type Default Value Description
storage string|array|Laminas\Cache\Storage\StorageInterface none deprecated Adapter used for reading and writing cached data.


Caching a View Script

use Laminas\Cache\Pattern\OutputCache;
use Laminas\Cache\Pattern\PatternOptions;

$outputCache = new OutputCache(
    new PatternOptions()

include '/path/to/view/script.phtml';

Available Methods

In addition to the methods defined in PatternInterface and StorageCapableInterface, this implementation defines the following methods.

namespace Laminas\Cache\Pattern;

use Laminas\Cache\Exception;

class OutputCache extends AbstractStorageCapablePattern
     * If there is a cached item with the given key, display its data, and
     * return true. Otherwise, start buffering output until end() is called, or
     * the script ends.
     * @param  non-empty-string  $key
     * @throws Exception\MissingKeyException if key is missing
    public function start(string $key): bool;

     * Stop buffering output, write buffered data to the cache using the key
     * provided to start(), and display the buffer.
     * @throws Exception\RuntimeException if output cache not started or buffering not active
     * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure writing to cache
    public function end(): bool;