Cache Patterns


The CaptureCache pattern is useful for generating static resources to return via HTTP request. When used in such a fashion, the web server needs to be configured to run a PHP script generating the requested resource so that subsequent requests for the same resource can be shipped without calling PHP again.

This pattern comes with basic logic for managing generated resources.

Quick Start

For use with an Apache 404 handler extend the Apache configuration, e.g. .htdocs:

ErrorDocument 404 /index.php

And add the cache to the related application script, e.g. index.php:

use Laminas\Cache\Pattern\CaptureCache;
use Laminas\Cache\Pattern\PatternOptions;

$capture = new CaptureCache(
    new PatternOptions([
        'public_dir' => __DIR__,

// Start capturing all output, excluding headers, and write to the public
// directory:

// Don't forget to change the HTTP response code
header('Status: 200', true, 200);

// do stuff to dynamically generate output

Configuration Options

Option Data Type Default Value Description
public_dir string none Location of the public web root directory in which to write output.
index_filename string "index.html" The name of the index file if only a directory was requested.
file_locking bool true Whether or not to lock output files when writing.
file_permission int|false 0600 (false on Windows) Default permissions for generated output files.
dir_permission int|false 0700 (false on Windows) Default permissions for generated output directories.
umask int|false false Whether or not to umask generated output files / directories.


Scaling Images in the Web Root

Using the following Apache 404 configuration:

# .htdocs
ErrorDocument 404 /index.php

Use the following script:

// index.php
use Laminas\Cache\Pattern\CaptureCache;
use Laminas\Cache\Pattern\PatternOptions;

$capture = new CaptureCache(
    new PatternOptions([
        'public_dir' => __DIR__,

Available Methods

In addition to the methods exposed in PatternInterface, this implementation exposes the following methods.

namespace Laminas\Cache\Pattern;

use Laminas\Cache\Exception;

class CaptureCache extends AbstractPattern
     * Starts capturing.
    public function start(string|null $pageId = null): void;

     * Write a page to the requested path.
     * @throws Exception\LogicException
    public function set(string $content, string|null $pageId = null): void;

     * Retrieve a generated page from the cache.
     * @throws Exception\LogicException
     * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
    public function get(string|null $pageId = null): string|null;

     * Check if a cache exists for the given page.
     * @throws Exception\LogicException
     * @return bool
    public function has(string|null $pageId = null): bool;

     * Remove a page from the cache.
     * @throws Exception\LogicException
     * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
    public function remove(string|null $pageId = null): bool;

     * Clear cached pages that match the specified glob pattern.
     * @throws Exception\LogicException
    public function clearByGlob(string $pattern = '**'): void;

     * Returns the generated file name.
    public function getFilename(string|null $pageId = null): string;