Cache Patterns


The callback cache pattern caches the results of arbitrary PHP callables.

Quick Start

use Laminas\Cache\Pattern\CallbackCache;
use Laminas\Cache\Pattern\PatternOptions;

// Or the equivalent manual instantiation:
$callbackCache = new CallbackCache(
    new PatternOptions([
        'cache_output' => true,

Storage Adapter

The $storage adapter can be any adapter which implements the StorageInterface. Check out the Pattern Quick Start-Section for a standard adapter which can be used here.

Configuration Options

Option Data Type Default Value Description
storage string|array|Laminas\Cache\Storage\StorageInterface none deprecated Adapter used for reading and writing cached data.
cache_output bool true Whether or not to cache callback output.


Instantiating the Callback Cache Pattern

use Laminas\Cache\Pattern\CallbackCache;

$callbackCache = new CallbackCache($storage);

Available Methods

In addition to the methods defined in the PatternInterface and the StorageCapableInterface, this implementation provides the following methods.

namespace Laminas\Cache\Pattern;

use Laminas\Cache\Exception;

class CallbackCache extends AbstractStorageCapablePattern
     * Call the specified callback or get the result from cache
     * @param  callable   $callback  A valid callback
     * @param  array      $args      Callback arguments
     * @return mixed Result
     * @throws Exception\RuntimeException if invalid cached data
     * @throws \Exception
    public function call(callable $callback, array $args = []): mixed;

     * Intercept method overloading; proxies to call()
     * @param  callable-string $function  Function name to call
     * @param  array  $args      Function arguments
     * @return mixed
     * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
     * @throws \Exception
    public function __call(string $function, array $args): mixed;

     * Generate a unique key in base of a key representing the callback part
     * and a key representing the arguments part.
     * @param  callable   $callback  A valid callback
     * @param  array      $args      Callback arguments
     * @return non-empty-string
     * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
     * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
    public function generateKey(callable $callback, array $args = []): string;