Migration Guide

Migration to Version 4.0

Finally, native types everywhere. With v4.0, laminas-cache depends on laminas-servicemanager v4 which already introduced full native types and thus, cache now has native types as well. Along with these changes, we also decided to remove and/or enhance some features to make the usage of this component more user-friendly. So instead of working with metadata arrays, a new MetadataCapableInterface was introduced which provides a generic interface for storage adapters to tell both IDEs and static analysers to understand what metadata instances are returned for which storage adapter. This allows per-storage Metadata which can differ depending on the storage being used.


  1. Ensure you are on latest laminas/laminas-cache v3
  2. Ensure you are on latest laminas/laminas-cache-storage-adapter-* version (might differ)
  3. Verify that you are not using one of the following methods
  4. StorageInterface#incrementItem (no replacement available, should be implemented in userland code)
  5. StorageInterface#incrementItems (no replacement available, should be implemented in userland code)
  6. StorageInterface#decrementItem (no replacement available, should be implemented in userland code)
  7. StorageInterface#decrementItems (no replacement available, should be implemented in userland code)
  8. Verify that you are not using supportedMetadata capability (use MetadataCapableInterface#getMetadata instead)
  9. Verify that you are not using KeyListIterator with mode CURRENT_AS_METADATA (use the returned key instead and pass it to the MetadataCapable storage adapter (NOTE: not all adapters do implement MetadataCapableInterface)
  10. If you use the Serializer plugin
  11. Verify that if you pass a string as serializer option, you do not directly depend on the return value of PluginOptions#getSerializer (method will return string instead of instantiating a new SerializerInterface instance). The plugin itself can still handle string and an instance of SerializerInterface as in previous versions
  12. If you provide own plugins, storage adapters, pattern, you have to upgrade to v4 and update all method/argument/property (return-) types according to the updated versions. Check out rector which can help with this kind of migration
  13. If you are handling Laminas\Cache\Exception\MissingKeyException, you can remove that code as the exception does not exist anymore
  14. Check if you use ObjectCache pattern, that your code does not expect an instance of CallbackCache to be passed

New Features

  • Every adapter which supports metadata now implements MetadataCapableInterface and provides a dedicated object containing all the metadata values it supports
  • Adds support for psr/cache and psr/simple-cache v2 & v3

Removed Classes

  • Laminas\Cache\Exception\MissingKeyException

Breaking Changes

  • AbstractAdapter and StorageInterface are not aware of the methods getMetadata anymore. These were moved to the new MetadataCapableInterface
  • Capabilities do not provide supportedMetadata anymore. The supported metadata is tied to the used storage adapter and thus, was already requiring projects to explicitly know the exact implementation of the cache backend in case of using these metadatas anyway
  • KeyListIterator and the corresponding IteratorInterface does not provide the mode CURRENT_AS_METADATA anymore
  • PluginOptions#getSerializer does not create a serializer anymore if a string option was passed, instead, the string is returned
  • Increment and decrement feature was removed from StorageInterface, so there is no more StorageInterface#incrementItem, StorageInterface#decrementItem, StorageInterface#decrementItems and StorageInterface#incrementItems
  • this also removes incrementItem, incrementItems, decrementItem, derementItems events (pre, post and exception)
  • Every method now has native return types
  • Every property now has native types
  • Every method argument now has native types
  • ObjectCache does not inherit the CallbackCache pattern anymore